
8 weeks pregnant with moderate bleeding??

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I am 8 weeks 3 days pregnant. I started with barely there borwn spotting a few days ago. Called the doctor and they sent me for an ultrasound. That night bleeding turned dark red and had intense cramps. After a couple of hours cramping subsided and only passed a couple of red clots that were small. I have not soaked through a pad at all. My doctor called the next day and had me go get hcg levels and progesterone checked again. Baby is still measuring behind by about 11 days but there was still a heartbeat. I have not passed any clots or had any cramping except for the night after the ultrasound. However, I am still bleeding red but not filling a pad...still have to change it every 2-3 hours. My syptoms have lessened also. What are my chances that this baby is OK and this is just breakthrough bleeding? Or should I accept that this baby is not going to make it?




  1. i think that first and formost...u should have complete bed rest

    the fact that ur not a good sign...and naturally u are worried.

    there are no words that i can say to comfort or reasure u.

    there is a chance that ur baby night not make it......but there is also a chance that ur bab WILL make it........

    complete bed rest......and doctors supervision...actually maybe he should have admitted u to hospital.....for a few weeks

    chin up :)

  2. I know your worried, just keep checking with the doctor! My sister in law just went through this. She was bleeding for the 1st 2months but had a beautiful baby girl. Her mid wife said it might have been twins and one never fully kept or it is very rare but some people can still have a period the 1st few months. Just pray and hope everything turns out well. I wish you the best of luck and know there is always hope. Don't think about if the baby is going to make it, keep up hoping and acting like your pregnant. With ultra sound they should have seen is something was really wrong. Just keep calling the doctor and checking levels and hopefully it all goes well.

    God bless!

  3. I am currently in the same situation. My yolk sac is enlarged and the baby is about 2 weeks behind in size. I too still have a heartbeat however it starts and stops repeatedly. I don't soak pads but bleed enough to change one each time I go to the bathroom. I would ask these three things they are what my radiologist and OB said they make their diagnosis on...#1 Size of baby, #2 Heart rate #3 Size of yolk sac. I have no pain, nor have I had any cramping just the bleeding that started brown at about 7 and a half weeks then turned red with tiny clots, I am now 9 weeks and still carrying a demising pregnancy. I have three beautiful children already but it still hurts so much to think I couldn't bring this one into the world. I would prepare for the worst and hope/pray for the best! I will pray for you!

  4. nobody will tell you if your baby is going to make it or not, is just God decision, but there is things you can do, actually don't do anything. stay in bed, with your feet higher than your head. Don't get up too much, just move AS necessary that means stay lay down as much as you can. Use a heat pad for about 5 minutes every once in a while this will bring blood to your tummy and could make it stronger. Pray to God, HE IS IN CONTROL. Hope this helps.

  5. no don't accept that b/c GOD always can changes things you just have faith and pray to GOD whatever his will is then let it be b/c GOD can see what we can't so if you was to loose your baby then it is b/c GOD know best. i can tell you this b/c i been through it and it hurt but at least its early but you may ok just pray

  6. unless there is a doctor here answering questions (unlikely!) see your doctor!

    If not satisfied, ask a second opinion

  7. Honey these questions are ones that you should be asking your Doctor.  He is the one who has seen you and treated you.  You may get answers on here from other who have had similar problems but everyone is different.

    Please call your doctor to get these questions answered.

    Best of luck

  8. Red bleeding is not a good sign, and with the baby measuring small I'd say things don't look too good.  But there is always a chance, so stay positive!  Good luck!

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