
8 year age difference between kids anybody?

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hi just wondered if anybody else had an 8 year age gap between there kids and how they found it? my daughter turned 8 few weeks ago and im due in dec age gap of 8 years couldnt be helped due to me being single parent for 5 years meeting/marrying my hubby etc in some ways im thinking itll be good just thought c other peoples experiances thanx x*x




  1. My older sister is eight years older than me, and my younger brother is 10 years younger than me, we're all great friends, although my younger brother is still pretty young.

  2. yer the older one can look out for the younger  one

    no one should look down on ya hun

    congrats too x

  3. Hey! My sister and I are 8 years apart. It's kinda cool in a way, She practically raised me. :)

    (Parents went to jail... Grandparents worked all the time.)

    It has its pros and cons..

    She told me about boys, make up, What looks good, What doesn't..

    When she went somewhere she always took me with her.

    I'm very grateful to her for being the mother figure in my life.

    But... We also got in fights A LOT!. Her being older and wiser had made  her my best friend and my mother figure. And that Kinda sucked!. When I was in the wrong she played the mother card. When everything was fine, We where best friends, So it was sorta odd, but now I'm grateful I have such a wonderful sister!

  4. I have a friend who has just had her second daughter and there is an eight year gap. The baby was born in December  and her older sister absolutely adores her. She cries when the baby cries because she doesn't like to see her little sister upset.  

  5. My dad was an only child up untill the age of 11 when his sister (my auntie) was born.  Then another 6 years later his other sister was born.

    There are 5 years between me any my sister but I would say age difference doesn't matter too much.

    My mum had a mate who only had one kid.  Then when that kid turned 22 he became a dad in the same week he because a brother!

    22 years difference! His mother became preg by mistake but it wasn't bad because she was missing being a mother.  Basically that baby is an auntie to a niece which is 3 days older than her.

    So don't worry about age difference, its whenever is the right time for your family. :)

  6. My brother and I are 13 years apart , he is 2 and I am 15... Some time people think that I am his mom, but I play along and mess with people say I have 10 more at home.. or this one is for rent funny stuff.. but I always help my momm with my brother and I reallyLove my brother there is nothing wrong with such a large age gap

  7. I'm nine years older than my brother and i felt at the time that i was missing out on time with my mum and dad and perhaps had to grow up a bit when he was born. I don't think that was true but it was how i felt at the time. Just make sure you involve her in as much as possible and both give her time on your own without the baby. Talk to her first when you have been out and you get home etc. Good luck with bubs.

  8. me and my brother are 8 years apart and we get along a lot better then most siblings because of the big age difference. im almost 15 and hes almost 23. we have a really strong relationship. hope this helped a little =-]

  9. me and my brother are 8 years apart and we get on great, we still fight and argue the same as any brother or sister but we are alot closer than alot of people we know who are only like 2 or 3 years apart.

    weve also both had a turn of being spoiled rotten by our parents without being jealous of each other and there were no hand me downs lol

  10. I'm in the same ball park.  My daughter is 9 years older than my son, and they are the product of two different marriages.

    The worst is when your daughter hits puberty at about the same time as  your younger child gets into the terrible twos and fearsome threes!  OY!  That is the time when you feel like your head will explode from the insanity, but it really won't.  They are both at stages of learning independence and testing boundaries, but you'll get through it

    It's a fun ride and I wouldn't be without my kids!

  11. my brother and I are 8 years apart. and then my other brother and I are 9 years apart and well they have always seen me like a mom. I am the oldest of course (sorry forgot to mention that) and I always took care of them. It was hard though once I started getting to my teens because they annoyed the c**p out of me since i was so "mature" but I still kept being their mom and as i got older I was the one that would take them out to the parks and the beach and all that fun stuff. both my parents worked full time until they were around 6&7 each so I was usually the one in charge. Early on when they were babies I do remember being really jelouse because i was the onle child for so long and then bam 2 brothers in less than a year (premature babies and my mom got pregnant 60 days after having my 1st brother) so yeah it was hard on my i think but i think it was because i was selfish. i think it all depends on how the child is. my brothers are 11 months apart and they LOVE TO HATE EACH OTHER so yeah i dont think age really makes a difference it depends a lot on how the child is.  

  12. I do not have the 8 year gap between my daughter and son but they are 7 years apart.  And since I have one of each it was a blessing that my daughter was the elder of the two.  She was ready to become a big sis at age 2 but it took us a while.  By the time she got to be six we were expecting her brother.  She was determined he would be a girl and so she got to come up with the names for a girl.  I was ready to let her name the child if she got that sister she had been asking for since two.  Her choices were old fashioned names but classics.  We just had to wait.  During the pregnancy she grew close to the baby before he was born.  She was always asking how things would be and I explained that though there would be two of them I would always have room on my lap for the both of them to that is an understatement....I could sit on my son's lap.  Anyway, she grew accustomed to the idea and when he was born I never saw the face of a child as satisfied as she was when her brother was born.  At that point she did not care if he was a girl or boy she had her sibling.  AND ever since then they have been close.  They do have their moments when they disagree but I have never seen any two sibs as close as they are.  My daughter has also been like a second mom to my he got hurt and she was in the room.  Instead of seeing me about it he went to her to kiss it better first....if that tells you anything.  She is off to college now and they still are as close as the day she found out she was to become a big sister finally...oh and the little sister part....her dad remarried for the third time....with his wife now they had a baby girl not yet a year took 15 years but my daughter got her wish.....

  13. I have a 17 year old daughter and a 4 month old son ;)

    She's happy to be a big sister :D

  14. well im 14 and my brother is 22, it is kinda wierd but ik alot of people w/ 8 yr gaps

  15. There is 10 years between me and my little brother just because that was when my parents wanted another.

    We get on really well, sometimes, he calls me mum and its a little weird but we're really close i guess i'm like a second mum to him.

  16. My sister and I are 26 yrs apart.

    Yeah, mom remarried and surprise surprise....her factory still works.

    My baby sis is now 8 yrs old, and my little girl just turned 10.

    crazy weird huh?

  17. my sister and i are 7 years apart from the same reason.  we are close as we can be, somtimes i wish she was just a bit older to talk to and stuff, but we get along pretty well.  its nice now i drive her places and get her from school which she loves so they will be able to do that :)

  18. My husband is 8 years younger than his brother & 10 years younger than his sister.

    Until fairly recently they really had very little to do with each other and now it is only because their mother is ill and we are forcing them to get involved.

  19. I am in exactly the same situation.  My son is 11 - I had him in my previous marriage and he was only 2 when we split, so no chance to have another one.  I remarried 4 1/2 years ago, and now have a 3 1/2 year old, so that is a gap of 7 1/2 years.  I find it really great, and I also find that I am a much more relaxed parent with my toddler, as my son is very helpful around the house, and also helpful with my toddler.  He is very patient with her too.  We don't have the fighting that may go on between kids of closer age.  And because he helps a lot with chores, etc, my 3 year old tries to help with them all too, so she is really learning by example.

    On the downside, she picks up on the filthy 11 year boy old humour!!  But it could be worse!

    I also have a 16 year old step-daughter and 9 year old step son who visit regularly, so quite a few age gaps there!

  20. Hi.  Congratulations!

    I can't answer as a parent but I have a brother who is almost 8 years younger than me and I am just as close to him as I am my brother who is 18 months younger (I only have the 2 siblings).  We were very close as children also.  A baby brother or sister is a wonderful thing for an 8 year old girl... trust me  ; )

  21. Me and my brother are 13 years apart we've only ever once fallen out, My brother did lots of things for me and I'm glad for the age gap as there wasn't any jealousy between us  

  22. we have 11 kids ranging from 25 down to 2 and the first 4 25 to 18 go out every weekend end together  and is great to see i can see no reason why your children shud not get on later  on in life me and my sister are 6 years apart and have bin friends for years he don't worry  and congratulations on your up and coming event they will be fine

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