
8 year old aggravates 2 year old brother?

by Guest56471  |  earlier

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You would think that having my kids 6 years apart that they would have nothing to fight over BUT......................... it seems like she does things just to make him scream.

For example they have balloons..........and she takes his balloon from him. I tell her to get the other one. But he always wants the one she is playing with. I know he shouldn't have his way all the time but, it drives me nuts.

Another example is she likes to pick him up alot and swing him around. I can't stand this and he even tells her to stop but , she just ignores him when he says stop.

It makes my house in an up roar..........I use the 1-2-3 magic program and i will count her when i get tired of it and she will stop doing it but it's 5 minutes later and she is doing something else and he is screaming again.





  1. Well it might be time to set up some guidelines.  Talk to your 8 year old and just lay down the law as to what you expect.

    Make being the 8 year old something positive too though.  If you follow the rules you get privelages.  It can be staying up and watching a movie on Friday night with you after the 2 year old goes to sleep.   The oldest one is a girl?  Maybe a special shopping trip for new nail polish (she could paint your nails and you hers, etc), whatever you can think of to help her be motivated to do things your way.  Let her help you bake cookies, cook supper, etc.

    Good luck and hang in there.  I know it can be so very frustrating.

  2. She is jealous.

    You want to treat her extra nice to

    ensure that you love her,

    may be more..

    Then she will love her brother and

    takes care of him as you wished.

    Good luck.

  3. I have the same problem with my 2 girls ages 8 and 2!!!

    I catch my 8 yr old taddeling on the 2 yr old when she is really agravating her behind my back..

    i just try to take time with the older child and show her special time like movies and snack after the baby goes to sleep.. and also i make sure i hug her and make a fuss over her like i would to the baby sometimes.. i know it embarrasses her but i also think it fills a void.  i know i have to give a lot of time to the 2 yr old..

  4. You aren't alone. My boys are 8-1/2 years apart and they fight like cats and dogs too.

  5. If you wanted her to stop running because she was going into the street and a car was coming, would you count to three before you did something about it??  Same goes for anything that a child does that they are not supposed to do.  Take action with her immediately and quit counting.  Spank her, remove her, or remove him but quit the counting!!

  6. This seems to be normal behavior between siblings. Girls can be tough. My stepdaughter picks on her younger brother all the time. They love each other though. I am the oldest and I used to pick on my brothers all the time. Just step in when you need to and put her in time out.

  7. If a parent tells a child to stop doing something and the child continues to do it, the parent should spank the child. The child will learn to behave.

  8. Sounds like she is looking for some attention.  Even six years apart she can still feel like her brother took the attention from her.  She was the only child for six years.  Maybe if you had some one on one time with her from time to time.  She needs to know you still love her the same now as you did before you had her brother. Having a girls day can be fun and you don't even need to spend a lot of money. Quality time with her is what she wants.

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