
8 year old having trouble going p**p in toilet.!!

by  |  earlier

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I have taken him to the doctor and they did x rays and said that he was constipated and that the reason hes always crapping his pants, is because he cant get the big stool out, so when he farts, liquid p**p comes out ...sorry to gross you out...but I dont know what else to do, the doc prescribed laxatives, and he was good for a week, but hes still not doing it in the you think maybe in his mind, he thinks its ok that he goes in his pants. He will be in 3rd grade, and I know it hurts him, cuz everyone knows of his "problem".. I feel so helpless. I tried, feeding him fiber, giving him laxative powder in his drinks, but nothing works...Oh and he is a great big milk drinker, if that matters..




  1. He might be allergic to dairy. I would have him tested. Dairy does constipate. I would sneek in prune juice to koolaide or reg. juice I have given it to my daughter since she was born. It works. I keep a six pack of small can in the cubbard. Something must be wrong. I would see a doc who specializes in allergies. Or a homeopathic

  2. My 11 year old is on a stool softner called COLACE  because she gets constipated due to medicine.  Try one at first, then go to two, or more.  She takes three every morning, and now has regular bowel movements.  onein the morning and one around 3:30pm.  Take him to a gasterenterologist (spelled wrong im sure!)  She pooped her pants off and on until she was 9 and we found COLACE.  Laxatives wont help.  If he needs help remembering, set the timer for every two hours after giving the stool softner.  Give rewards and rethink potty training.  Sometimes kids need another lesson in that.  Mine did.  Good luck!

  3. u r doing the best u can i mean i have no other suggestion to give u.

  4. u can try prune juice

  5. tell him if he feels like he has to f**t run to the toilet really fast. better nothing than crappy pants (literally)

  6. try feeding him a prune or 2 every morning. My  almost 3 year old likes sunsweet ones (they are individually wrapped). he thinks they are just a big raisin. I have a friend whose son was badly constipated like that and they had her give him miralax for several months to get him cleaned out and regular. you could also try feeding him fresh (or canned) pears for a few days, and switching his juice to white grape juice. Also try to limit his bananas and apples (and apple juice and applesauce) as these can be binding

  7. My youngest daughter has had the same problem.  What we did is cut down on her dairy intake.  (milk and cheese)  Gave her more water to drink.  Made sure she ate a good healthy meal with a plenty of fiber.  (green food)  No fiber drinks, cookies or laxatives.  With in about one to two weeks she was doing a lot better.  She has not had the problem now for several years now.  Hope this helped.

  8. My son had the same problem years ago.  The doctor told him that he needs to get more exercise.  It worked, and he's never had the problem ever since!

  9. Ask the doctor to evaluate him for Irritable Bowel Syndrome, there are medications for that and also anxiety disorders.

  10. Ask the doctor to check for IBS, or Irritable Bowl Syndrome. I've heard that too much milk can constipate you too.

  11. to much milk can make him very constipated... fiber .. ar eyou sure your giving  him just enough not too much?? he must have at least 23 g fiber ! i know becaus ei have restroom problems with constipation w hemmriods.... and if this consist he can get hemmriods which are so very painful you have to give him whole wheat cereal for breakfast nothing but whole grains... he should be not consitpated ..... prunes !! is a great way also !! you can get them at the grocery store and some fiber juice ....

  12. I'm not quite sure I've understood your question but heres the answer to the question I thought you asked.

    Make a star chart. Every time he gos on the toilet stick a sticker on he chart and every time he dose a whole week doing his poo on the toilet them give him a small present or take him some were he likes.

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