
8 yr old worried about baby teeth?

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My 8 year old daughter is scheduled to have her front 4 baby teeth taken out on monday by recommendation of her dentist. She has one adult tooth erupting behind one of the baby teeth. School starts in two weeks and she is just devastated. I tried explaining that it's not completely unusual, but she knows that typically kids are only missing their two front teeth at one time. She cried the whole way home and will proabably cry the whole way to the dentist. Should I just give in and not have it done to save her the perceived humiliation? I did find pictures of other kids who have had it done, but that still wasn't good enough. Her father thinks it might be a little too traumatic for her too. What to do?




  1. It would be pretty bad... Don't do it.

  2. I would suggest waiting until she doesn't have to go to school. Starting school without your 4 front teeth wouldn't be very fun. I would be devistated. Plus won't it be a little hard to talk, or eat? I got some of teeth removed and couldn't eat properly for weeks, but it wasn't my front ones.

    But if it were me, I would be extremely greatful if you had let me wait.

    But if she does get it done then it's over with.. I'm sure theres a good character building life lesson somewhere in that decision :P

  3. Do them all, less pain than doing it twice. if one tooth is through the other is close. She won't be 4 toothless, she'll have 2 showing very quickly.

  4. What will happen to her if she doesn't get it done? I would think that looking snaggletoothed the rest of her life would be more humiliating than missing 4 teeth for a little while...

  5. That's a hard age already -- adding on no front teeth would be even worse. Ask the dentist what the minimum you can do is. Perhaps he can just pull the one that has the adult tooth erupting behind it.

    Don't make the poor thing go toothless - it would be devastating at that age....

    Good luck! I hope you guys figure it out!

  6. poor kid!! its to tramatic.!!!  try finding fake teeth and look on those and maybe that wil convince her to get it done then put fake teeth on. i know someeone with the same thing then the dentist got a retainer somehow and put teeth on it and it looks soo real and he loves to scare people by "taking out his fake teeth"

  7. I would insist she has it done - reassuring her the whole time that she is a brave girl and she will be fine - and also making the connection with braces. To be honest, I'd also gently tell her that she is making one heck of a fuss about a few temporarily missing teeth and it's really not appropriate. There are kids out there facing going back to school in wheelchairs, with no hair due to chemotherapy, with dreadful facial burns...some of them have to face looking like that forever. She'll have a few weeks or months. She's eight, it's hardly a disaster, and it's necessary. End of discussion.

    Braces typical? Ah, you're in the US. Amazing how much less typical they are in the UK where dental treatment for kids is free.

  8. if the grow up teeth are coming out then u should go with it. because then her teeth will be not straight at all. and that will her more in the long run. dealing with braces not smiling etc. i think i would love to get them out who cares for the gap i rather have that then dealing with my teeth being all weird and not straight.

  9. Have it done if the adult tooth is already coming in.  Since it is already there it will come in quickly and your daughter won't have both front teeth missing for very long.  Lots of kids have both teeth missing at the same time...I have pictures of me at that age with both teeth missing so it isn't that uncommon.   I don't think she will be upset about it for too long when she sees other kids who look the same as her....honestly other 8 year olds won't think anything of it.

  10. Maybe try doing one or two at a time but the dentist knows whats best for the health of her teeth so always keep his opinion in mind first.

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