
80% effaced and 4cm dilated? ?

by  |  earlier

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i know they go hand in hand but would it be possible to go 100%effaced and be at 5cm and still not go into labor? just curious. had check up today and my minds just thinking. last week i was 3cm, forget how effaced but now today 4cm and 80%. curious how fast, if at all i will hit 100%....




  1. well honey they don't go hand in hand. i was 1cm and 100% effaced... i stopped dilating at 1cm so they had to induce me and i ended up having a c-section

  2. Not to burst your bubble but I was effaced, dilated and the baby had dropped 2 weeks before my due date.  The drs kept saying any day now. They had to induce me 4 weeks later.  :(

  3. Yes, you can. I had a patient just two days ago who had been 100% and 5-6 cm for a week before going into labor.

  4. i dunno

  5. Im not sure, but I do know that once your at 10 cm t hats when you deliver and once you hit 3 cm you are supposed to diltate about one cm per hour. Lucky you.  

  6. I am not an ob nurse but yes I do believe that you can stall out at 5 centimeters and 100% effaced. Usually doctors will not let you go to long in labor before they intervene. If your doctor decides that you are ready sometimes they will induce your labor. Trust your doctor because they wont let your baby be in harms way, if you are being induced and nothing happen they will do a c-section. Trust me all will be alright just enjoy the moment. When your baby is put in your arms it will all be worth it!

    P.S. If you feel like labor isn't starting and you want it to. Go for walks with you husband or stay active. Sometimes activity will naturally start labor.

  7. I've had four children now, and once I hit 4 cm, I've been admitted to the hospital.  Of course, the measurement is a little subjective--from one doctor to another, it may feel bigger or smaller, but if you really are 4 cm along, I suspect it won't be long before you're having your baby.  I don't think it's possible to be 5 cm, 100% effaced and not in labor; it is possible for labor to slow down and not progress(meaning you're having the contractions but nothing is changing), but usually by that point, things are so far along that your doctor is going to do something (break water, give you Pitocin, etc.) to encourage things along.  You're almost there, at any rate.  Good luck to you!

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