
800 meter help?

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Do you think it is better to run the first quarter fast and go from there or pace your self the first lap then kick it in the second.

I usually pace a 67 my first lap and finish with a 69-70 on my second to come in at 2:17

But I tried to attack the first lap my last race. I came in at 400m at 63 and ended up running a 2:18. I think if I keep running hard like that i can seriously improve.

Also, what to do you think my 800m time can be. My 400m pr is 56 but I know i can run a 55 with fresh legs and my 200m pr is 25.8.




  1. Everyone paces oneself differently. If you're allowed to cut in right after the gun goes off, make sure you get a good start; don't let anyone elbow you in an attempt to push you back. If anything, elbow others:) Start out at a fast jog, and take it up a notch after the 200 mark. After your first 400, just hang in there; try not to slow down. When you come to your last straightaway, give it all you've got left. There's no one way to run for everybody; each person has his/her strengths and weaknesses. Since you're a guy and I'm a girl, it's difficult for me to determine what your 800m time can be. I think you're physically capable of earning a PB of 2:15 if you really attack the event:) Try not to let yourself get psyched out. One saying I like to run through my head is "Pain is weakness leaving the body". It's a saying by the Marines, and it's great to think about when you're feeling mentally and/or physically exhausted during a race. Good luck!:)

  2. im runnin the same times you are only my splits are a little different

    im sprinting my first lap and i end up running it in a 61...

    then i die..

    and run my second lap in like 70

    but thats what you want to do because if you run a slow first lap youre slowing yourself down

    if you sprint your first lap your second lap times will be better with conditioning
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