
800m race plezzzz help desperate?

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i have a big race on tuesday coming up... well it aint big just i reali wonna win because soe girl takes the p**s because im a vegetarian and i dont approve of cruelty to animals anywho

how can i get better by tuesday and my current best is 3.39mins, and do i have to stock up on carbs 3 days before tuesdaY and do as little exercise posible




  1. Yes carbs are your best friend in running! Eat pasta, bread and other easy carbs. Stay away from junk food, soda, and candy etc. I think you should also excercise but the day before have semi-easy practice that way you don't injure yourself of wear yourself out for the race the next day! good luck and hope you wipe the floor with them! Also you might want to work on speed practices and just push yourself to keep up that speed for 2 laps! :D

  2. since you recieved enough food tips heres how you run your 800m

    sprint the 1st 200m [make sure you get out , and dont get boxed in] then ease into 80% speed . keep the pace up gradually picking it up towards the end.

    good luck

  3. One thing that helps me a lot is to stay anxious and excited for the race. That way when the race starts, all that adrenaline you've built up, comes out in the race. Eat pasta or something like that the night before and eat a banana that night. Also stay hydrated for the next couple days. Get a good stretch the night before, and a good warmup the day of the race. Good Luck!

  4. alot of people will tell you to carboload

    but for a race as short as the 800

    it honestly doesn't matter

    i would just run to stay loose

    and just try to relax

    buy this point theres not much you can do

    your previous training will carry you through the race

  5. Ignore the carbs thing, that is only really good advice for runs over 5000m. 800m is more of a sprint and you have loads of free enegy for that.

    If you want to look at food before the race, dont eat a large meal within 4 hours of the race. Drink some water half an hour before and perhaps a few sugary sweets at the same time, and thats about all you need to do.

    The night before get a good nights sleep and also the day or so before make sure you are well hydrated (they are good advice anyway).

    Thats the best you can do before Tuesday.

    When you are lined up for the race, make sure you pace yourself - dont set off too fast, but stay near the front, and on the last lap go to win it. Dont let the others worry you but concetrate on staying ahead of the others, make sure you focus on this durting the race and be determined to do your best.

    Thats the best advice I can give really.

    3:39 isnt a bad time really, see if you can beat it on Tuesday.

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