
800m run in less than 2 weeks???

by  |  earlier

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about two days ago i ran the 800m in school. at the beginning of the year i was training for the 1500 but eventully the track was full of snow and the indoor track is very far away. so track day was one week away and every night i had dance competitions and all diferent kinds of events going on till 6:00 so i had no time to really go out and run since my parents are being parents. so today i ran the 800m and i did so bad my arm went numb and i was pushing it i felt like stopping and walking but i forced my self. so my time was 3:12 mabey i dont know it exacly. but i ran with the boys so i made it to the next level and its in less than two weeks. i need some training tips to make me faster. my real event that i love is the 100m.

im a girl, 5'1,105 pounds and farly fit not fat but not scary skinny like normal but with leg muscles.




  1. I also run the 800m. Here are my tips:

    1-jog around before you run

    2-start to pick it up in the last 200m

    3-you are stronger than you think..... don't save any energy for the end!

    good luck!

  2. the key is to pace yourself, and push yourself, but make sure to NOT injure yourself. two weeks should be a good amount of time, so just make running a priority, and make sure to eat very healthy. stay hydrated.

    if your arms are numb, that means that you may be pumping them too hard. try to keep them at a loose 90 degree angle at ur elbows, and let your hands free. dont keep the arms too stiff, but dont let them fly around. perhaps some basic arm workouts (bicep curls and similar excersizes with weights) could help a lot.

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