
85 hp evinrude run gr8 in parking lot but in the water can not get no power only a slow bog pleas help?

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85 hp evinrude run gr8 in parking lot but in the water can not get no power only a slow bog pleas help?




  1. Recommend replace the spark plugs and fuel filter. God Bless

  2. While trying to accelerate, tap the choke to see if it takes off. If it does you are dealing with a fuel issue, and if it doesn't you are dealing with something electrical or mechanical. It sounds like a carb issue but it could also be a problem with the linkage. Everything must be synchronized or it will run like c**p. Good luck!

  3. Choke problem?

  4. I had the same problem.Adjust linkage at the at the motor.

  5. You may have a cracked reed assembly or bad crank seals.

  6. I hope when you say runs great in the parking lot you have a garden hose supplying water to the pump. So many people run thier engines without water and burn the pump impeller. I would reccommend a complete sync and link on your engine. Your problem could be fuel system or timing....the engine is having problems under a loaded condition. You need to check your carbs for gaskets that are sucking this by spraying a "little" starting fluid at the base of the carbs around the gasket , if you notice a change in the sound of the engine.....those gaskets need to be replaced.  If you don't notice a problem, you may need to have your carbs dissassembled and cleaned. This will require that they be removed and that a proper sync and link be performed afterwards. If you are mechanically inclined you may be able to do this yourself with a service manual and a good timing light. Setting the wide open timing may be your only problem because this needs to be done in the water with the boat running wide open or it can be done with a test propeller. If your local dealer will loan you a test prop you are better off. More than likely they will not.

  7. make sure the vent is open on the gas tank

  8. # 1 don't run your engine in the parking lot. It will destroy the water pump impeller. It's ok to start it but don't run it for more than a few seconfs. The other problem. you need to get a owners manual that tells you how to adjust the carb. It must be done under load you can't do it in the parking lot.

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