
881 beta hcg levels at 34 days from last menstrual date. is it a weak pregnancy?

by Guest62273  |  earlier

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881 beta hcg levels at 34 days from last menstrual date. is it a weak pregnancy?




  1. This does sound like a weak Beta number. However, Beta tests are not the tell all. I would talk to your OB and see if he/she can run your other numbers and see if anything else is off. I would also look at getting an ultra sound done right away. If your body has not rejected the pregnancy yet you could possibly save it.  

  2. so what u like 5 wks pregnant they would be good

  3. unless you've had a history of crazy things, (miscarriages, chemical pregnancies) The numbers don't mean too much, they vary so much from woman to woman and pregnancy to pregnancy, That number doesn't seem too low. If you are worried I would have the doc run another set of numbers, as long as they are going up, (doubling every 72 hours or so) there is nothing to worry about. but if you are concerned talk to your doctor. check out this site

  4. no there is no need to worry this number vary's from women to women...this will double every day of luck.

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