
8DPO, Positive result on HPT, too early?

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I posted yesterday that i was 7DPO, (this is approximate as i am not 100% sure when i ovulated but my last period was 6th August with a 28day cycle), i do not have the greatest amount of patience and couldn't resist testing yesterday. I did get a faint positive, so faint you could hardly see it, tested again today with another clearblue and negative. Used one of those early testing strips earlier today and again a very faint line but definately a line.

Am i going crazy, lol. I am going to try to not do anymore until at least 10 or 11DPO.




  1. Ok, it's still very, very early, but possible.

    This may be TMI for some people but here goes: With my last pregnancy I used a portable ultrasound at the clinic so I knew EXACTLY when I ovulated (you can see the follicle on the ultrasound).  My husband and I made love on Saturday night and Sunday night, and I ovulated on Monday morning.

    Out of curiosity I took a normal, cheap as they come home pregnancy test on the Wednesday evening of the following week (so 9-10 dpo) and it showed a very, very faint line.

    I tested again 72 hours later and got a faint but stronger line, and then 72 hours again and got a clear positive within 60 seconds.

    As with all the diet ads on TV "results are not typical and individual results will vary" but it's possible.

    The only trouble with testing way early is that you risk picking up a "chemical pregnancy" - a conception happens but the embryo doesn't make it and the pregnancy is lost, all within a few days.  Most of the time these pass unnoticed by the women but with such early home pregnancy testing kits available they're being identified a lot more readily these days.

  2. Since you don't know when you ovulated, you may just be ovulating a few days earlier, making you 10dpo or more!  It's possible to get really early positives, they are just rare and often result in a wasted pregnancy test.  But, hey, you got yourself two positives!  Congratulations!

  3. It could be possible, the early test can measure less HCG than the digital ones.  

  4. It's a little early but still possible. Maybe when you got the negative your urine was diluted for some reason. If you got a line more than once I say chances are you are pregnant. Good luck. Try to keep yourself busy for the next 2 days and then test again.

  5. You are very early, so i would only be using first morning urine, and restrict your fluids some the night before, making your urine more "concentrated" that's what i did when i tested at 11 DPO, and sure enough i had a strong positive . many woman wont even show up on a urine dip until at least 10 DPO, so chances are, I'd say u are pregnant. Have it confirmed at a clinic, and if u still have doubts I'd have my doctor order an HCG to measure exactly how much is in there. Overall, sounds positive to me. Congratulations!!!  

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