
8k Race/run question...?

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Hey Guys!

So I am running an 8K run this sunday.

I was just wondering for those runners out there..what should i do the day before the race?

anything to eat?


anything that will help me get through the race?

or maybe the day of the race.


I can barely run 5 miles outside and I was mostly training on a treadmill. I can run 8 miles on the treadmill and thought I would be fine. but..then I tried to run outside and its SO HARD. Will it be different on the day of the race with everyone there and all? Or any pointers on how I can get in better shape before sunday haha?


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  1. The day before a race should be a rest day.  If you have trained right for it, you will do fine.  The race day atmosphere should be motivation for you.

  2. Eat Something loaded with carbs- Pasta?

    Stretch really good.

    Start hydrating a few days before the race.

    My first mile is always my slowest- I let my body warm-up and then after that I can run forever!  

    Always lean into the hill when running up hill.  I push myself hard uphills and sort of just coast down.... some people drag *** up hill and sprint down... It's up to you

  3. u just have to practice. Running on the tredmil is ALWAYS easier than runing outside

  4. 1.  It's not what you do the night before a race that's important, it's what you do the night before the night before.  

    2.  Make sure you are drinking water continuously during the days up to the race.

    3.   Race day minus 2 - Easy run day, lots of rest

    4.  Race day minus 1 - 1 or 2 mile jog at most, rest

    5.  Race day - warm up and stretch well.  START SLOWLY until 2 miles at least.  Listen to your body and see how you feel.

    Good LUck

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