
8months pregnant 8drinks 1 night custody battle who will win?

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i have a friend who is 17 she is 8 months pregnant she went to a nightclub stealing her sisters id and she was drinking alcohol she had roughly 8drinks that night we all tell her she is stupid but she doesn't care now the fathers baby got photos of he drinking while being in this place now his family want to take custody she is 17 he is 19 turning 20 what will happen she is also out being an idiot at like 3o'clock in the morning we have tried to tell her to take it easy and she wont listen he has both his parents who have offered to help out his dad works and his mum is willing to give up her job to look after the baby while the father works for a support income now her mum is never home and she is left to look after her 6yr old brother while her mum works his family has the money behind them what will happen to this baby we want the baby to go to the father due to he has the right means but we are afraid she will get custody please if you know the court rules or anything like that she is just out of control and the 3days after she is due a friend is having a birthday 4days later and she plans to go wether or not she has had the baby please help us




  1. wow, i pray to God that he wins. With physical evidence such as a photograph and she problably will have a negative or immature attitude at court, i'd say he has a good chance of custody. Espeacilly if his parents will be present and encouraging their custody. However, CA has no grandparents rights, so the dad will have to fignt.

    Good luck and get a lawyer

  2. she is young and very immature and i feel sorry for this baby. she doesnt deserve a baby, It sounds like all she thimks about is herself. No one in thier right mind would go out drinking at 8 months pregnant. What an idiot! I can see why the decent bloke left her!

  3. I hope her baby is okay.  Your friend is an idiot.

  4. Wow.  I think that's the longest run on sentence I've ever seen.  I don't know what you should do legal wise so you might try posting this question under legal advice or something like that.  That girl is definitely not ready to be a mom. Good luck!

  5. If she stayed out all night at a club drinking 8 alcoholic drinks while 8 months pregnant she doesn't deserve to raise her child. There is no excuse for what she did, she is a selfish person. Hopefully the child will be born without any problems.  

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