
8th Grade Advice??????

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Hi, i'm going into 8th grade and I need advice with a lot of things.

1st - Girls. How do I talk to them??? I'm really shy around girls and I always get Tounge Tied. I'm fine around all my friends and everyone I know likes me and I have no enemies or whatever. What is some stuff I can say to flirt and talk with them???

2nd - Workload. How heavy is it??? I'm in a poor school so i'm in one class all day and we don't have lockers and stuff. I won the academic award again this year and 7th grade was a breeze so if 8th grade is anything like it I should be fine. Are tests harder??? How much homework a night???

Thanks in advance for helping me everyone =)

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┌┴─┴─┐-┘─┘ ●●PeAcE●●







  1. get on the teachers good side and dont p.o. any of the kids..  not too bad the work and stuff

  2. im going in to 8th grade and i dont think its going to b hard just kkep up with your homework and dont put it off and just try to be  frineds with the girl first and then if u see she likes u ask her out or something

  3. Girls: You should just start off with a hey then build a conversation from their..don'tnt try to flirt with them right away because it does feel weird to some people and if she is flirting flirt back... try to be funny but not in talk about people way because they will think that maybe you will talk about them like that and will feel uncomfortable around.... but everyone don't click so don't push it too much..But just be natural I hope I helped!!! sorry about how i typed just got my nails did!!!

  4. You have nothing to worry about...around girls, just be yourself....the workload really isn't that much...tests aren't that hard...OH and if you have spanish classes, STUDY LOTS....IF NOT, your good...

  5. Just be yourself around gurls. they luv it when we be ourselves.  and Homework, 8th grade o me personally was the easiest out of my entire middle school years. And just when you start school jump on your homework the very first day and do not put it off.

    Good Luck

  6. First of all, I may be a few years older than you; but I am a teacher and work with lots of students your age. ((I'm 20))

    Don't worry about girls! ;-) Just be yourself and you'll be fine. Be friendly with them and make friends.  Don't worry about trying to impress them, or flirt with them. Start out with being friends. My fiance and I were friends for a long time before we began to date seriously.  Trust me, if your friends first, there is a better chance of everything working out in the end.

    The workload may be a lot heavier than you are used to. Just keep doing what you have been doing. It sounds like you are a good student and you should be fine if you keep your good work ethic. Make sure you get everything done; no slacking off! :-)

    Good luck!

  7.    girls) the main thing is to just be yourself around them. don't showoff. make them laugh. when they know you have a sense of humor they like to be around you more. also just talk down to earth with them. ask them about how their summer went, how hard that test was, or if you could get some help on the homework yall had. eventually you'll get used to talking to girls & will be able to talk to them without getting toungetied.


       workload) it really depends on the teacher. some teachers give you lots, some rarely give you any. my advice 4 that is just to take it & do the best you can on it. also make sure that when you start studying new chapters in the textbook, you make an outline or something like that to learn all the new info. it helps for tests & pop quizzes if you have them.  

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!!! : ]

  8. im a girl going into 8th grade so i cant help u with the workload thing, but i know that with girls heres what you want to do. DONT flirt, it kinda makes u seem like ur just a player. just talk to them like ur friends and maybe once u get comfortable talking to them u can ask them out.

    good luck

    and awesome peace sign

  9. Many good answers on your page already, I will add.

    People say the fist step is the most difficult, once you start, one step follow the other.  Do your home-work..

  10. i can only help you with the

    girls part kiddo (:

    like everyone else said, be yourself.

    being someone ur not just makes u

    look like a poser or just fake.

    don't be afraid to make jokes (not about

    them). keep a good hygiene u don't want

    girls to think u stink and it might make

    u feel more confident when u talk to them.

    idk why but a lot of girls love it when u

    can have a deep conversation alone with them.

    :] it helps if u have atleast 1 thing or more

    in common with them to help u choose

    a topic.  

  11. Girls: Just be yourself. Don't get so nervous. After awhile, it'll be easy for you.

    Work: 8th grade isn't much harder. From what I remember, we had more tests because they were trying to let us see what high school would be like. 8th grade is just getting ready for high school.  

  12. Just relax and be yourself around girls. Believe me girls get just as nervous around boys and boys do around girls. Theres always going to be the boys who show off infront of girls, but you dont have to be like that to get a girls attention. Just be yourself and dont think about it too much. I live in the Uk so not too sure what age group 8th grade is, but whatever age, you should just concentrate on your study and your friends and not worry too much. If you just try your best in everything you do then i am sure you will have a very sucessfull 8th grade! :)

  13. well, be yourself

    talk about anything

    come on, girls arent that scary.

    sure, 8th grade work is a lot harder

    a lot of projects and presentations. gah

    just do your homework, it helps

    and listen in class

    you sound smart =)

  14. girls.. be who u r.. be kool nd nice then they will be all over u..

    work.. they dont give u lot of h.w ... test r very easy.. cuz they will give u reviews before ure test's or quiz..nd ure final... if u just study.. i wll be piece of cake... Goodluck...

    xo what skool u go to?? xo

  15. Hi

    Im Going to 8th grade Also

    girls isnt a problem

    becaz all girls want plenty of guy freinds

    trust me

    i kno

    no matter how innocent the girl is

    she at lest wants one guy freind

    all you need to do is talk to her

    just like you do to any one

    then ull be freinds

    ands then

    if itssomeoe special

    youll like each other

    then ull go out

    thats it


    not a big deal either

    as long as you keep ur grades up and focus while balancing ur social life too

    ull be fine

    but stay focused on what ur doing and dont go downhill focus but have fun =)

  16. Workload is too EASY in 8th grade. The first 2 months they might go over some 7th grade topics. You have to do well in your high school placement test.  Around May or April, your teachers might teach you a freshman highschool topic. Don't talk to a girl when she is with her friends. Don't just go walking straight into her. Be with your friends and if the girl is alone, just be like HEYYYY. You could try to be really cool as in putting your hands over her eyes (make sure you have GOOD COLOGNE ON!) The best way to get a girl is to be her friend first. She will be more comfortable with you.  

  17. Be yourself and don't worry how you talk around girls!!!! Be yourself around girls!!The workload was nothing. It was so easy !!!!!!!  Good luck and Have fun!!

  18. ok i just graduated from middle school and 8th grade was pretty much one of the best years ever it's so fun. anyway onto the girls!

    personally, i like talking to guys who are just being themselves, sometimes more then talking to girls because guys are way more chill and less drama and stuff :) so just be yourself when you're around them. flirting tips idk maybe start flirting if you notice that they're flirting with you and you guys can flirt back and forth!

    ok workload...if you're in one class then i'm not exactly sure, but in my school the 8th grade workload was pretty heavy only because they were trying to prepare us for high school, but i think they might have over prepared us! in math we had homework nearly everynight, and same with spanish. science there wasn't always homework, but a lot of times. same with english and social studies. it also depends on what teachers (or in your case teacher) you have.

    take my word for it, 8th grade is fun!!!! good luck!!!!!!

  19. ok...uhmm...i'm a ninth grader now..meaning i jsut got out of 8th grade and really......

    it felt just like anyother school year...


    their so simple...

    once u start talking to them and u kno learn more about that...u can mayeb get then sumthing that u knowww they love...

    casue then she would kno that you have been listening...

    or if anyone ever askings her if she wants sumthing that she told u she doesn't like...then talk for her and just say...

    she doesn't like those''...

    so really the key is...LISTEN!!!


    and when she kinda finds out that u like her...she's begin to like me...

    so when u guys ahve been friends for a while...tell her that u like her...

    school work...

    well it's simple simple....

    all u have to do is stay focused...and don't slack...keep ur grades at a decent GPA...meaning at least a 2.00 but it would be great if u got a 3.00...definallytly if the girl likes smart boys...also at ur house ur parents would give u more things and lossen the leash a really

    EVERYTHING will be FABulous!!!\\

    good luck..


  20. for girls- just be yourself, when you talk to the girl, flirting will just come naturally to you, you might not even know your flirting. and if you get nervous, thats okay, girls think thats cute!

    for school work- its not any different from seventh grade. personally i thought middle school was really easy, but i hated it. lol.

    good luck!  

  21. 8th grade is the easiest year in the world, I promise.

  22. Girls: Be yourself. Talk about something u have in common, like the big test (maybe u can quiz her a bit!). A lot of guys in this grade get really perverted. dont. its weird. This is ur last year in middle school, so focus more on having fun yourself!

    Workload: don't worry about it so much. you probably will be forced to be more independent tho (my science teacher was gone for a week and left us 3 chapters to study). but since u r a good student, it shouldnt be a problem.

    Good luck!! This is gonna be the best year you've had so far (just wait til high school!)!

  23. hey, i just finished 8th grade a few months ago, so i'll see if i can help you.

    ok, girls. i'm a girl, i know what i like, but i can't speak for everyone.

    -i know other people are saying this, but trust me, be yourself. if you get a girl to like you as a different person than who you really are, the relationship will never last.

    -don't be afraid to show people who you are either. i know you said you tend to be shy, but from what you told me, sounds like you have a nice personality and people don't hate you, so people should love you for who you are with no trouble :)

    -don't be a perv...may be cool to you guys, but it's disgusting for girls.

    -be nice! picking up a dropped pencil or book, or holding a door (you get what i'm saying) all seems simple, but girls will definitly notice, and love it!

    -don't try too hard. be yourself and the right girl will find you :)

    OK, now school. sounds like you're a pretty smart kid, so my guess is that you'll have no trouble at all. 8th was the easiest (and most fun! enjoy your last year of the middle school!)of all my years in middle school. the tests and homework depend on how well you learn stuff. the homework load though is about the same as 7th grade since most of your classes are similar. tests, well, they really depend on the teacher. if you've done well on them before, you'll do fine this year. here's a few tips...

    -don't procrastinate. i'm terrible at this, and while it hasn't been a huge problem for me yet, i know it's going to be much worse in HS. don't wait until the night before the project's due to start it, don't do your homework at 11 at night

    -keep up. most 8th grade courses are ones that you will be building on in the HS, so you need to understand everything about them. if you don't understand something, ask the teacher, do some extra studying, whatever you have to. don't freak out about it though, it's not hard to keep up, ít's just important that you do.

    -stay organized. it's going to be really annoying if you worked really hard on a project only to get to class and realize you lost it. for us anyway, in 8th grade, if you didn't have the paper or project (and usually if it was even in your locker), you didn't get any credit for it. don't stress about this, just keep it in mind.

    good luck! i'm sure you'll do fine! sorry that got so long  

  24. girls? just relax

    work? if you work hard on homework youll do fine

    how the h**l did you make that peace sign?
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