Alright, now currently I'm in high school, full IB, I play piano, take karate, and volunteer at the hospital. I find it easy to keep my grades at a 95% average at the least, and while my freshman year got off to a little bit of a rocky start with some teachers, I never got anything more than a few detentions and getting sent off to the office for talking, etc. I was late frequently and got about one well I didn't participate in gym class lol... But now, I'm pretty much your model student...however in middle school, I was always late, but grade 7 was an awesome year. Honours. But in grade 8, I had horrible teachers, and my friend and I were writing a note once joking about our math teacher...we wrote some joke death threats on there, and i incorporated a teacher dying in a story I wrote...I really didn't think it would be a huge deal, but I got a two day suspension for it with my friend for our little "joke". I live in Canada, and I want to graduate university as a dental oral surgeon. Is that still possible with my grade 8 record?