
8th grade math level?

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Hey, I'm gonna go into 8th grade, and I found out my schedule. On it, it said I'm going to have pre-algebra. Is it me or does it sounds really low for an 8th grade student to be on pre-algebra?




  1. That was the same eighth math class I took .

  2. Well, for our school it is.

    But different schools have different math levels.

    When I was in 8th grade, I took Geometry.

    But, I was an Honors student, so that changes things.

  3. just go with it, you will need algebra for high school i am going in grade 11 and for grade 9 and 10 i needed to do algebra, so just go with it, nothing you can do about it anyways

  4. That is not low at all. Algebra 1 is a ninth grade class, so pre algebra is where you should be. Some people may be in algebra in 8th grade though, if they are a level ahead
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