
9/11 , In a program on bbc 2 it sort of made the claim that?

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world trade center 7 was brought down by a controlled explosion,

i just wondered if there was any truth in this or is it just another unproven conspiracy theory ?




  1. it's not totally proven but conspiracy theorists (like my dad) claim that there is ample proof... i would check a conspiracy website and see if there is enough evidence for you to believe it...  :)

  2. Lowjoy...

    If it was brought down because it was "Unsafe" how did they get those explosives in there to the point that it was a "Perfect explosion?  Also, I have NEVER known a 40+ building to be that "unsafe" because of fire to the point that it needed to come down...never in the world history has that happened!  Also, whenever there is a fire, isn't the NORMAL response for them to do an investigation and tape off the building so they could?  Why bring it down 9 hours after it had started?  I would have thought a THROUGH investigation would have taken WEEKS...not the same day!

    To answer the question asked...yes, there is truth in that is the fact that the Silverstein himself admitted to it.  The only conspiracy there is the one to hide the truth.

  3. I agree with the poster above - don't trust BBC.  We should be suspicious of BBC's agenda there.  The government (through NIST) has not completed its official explanation for the collapse of building 7, so isn't it premature for BBC to publish a documentary about it?  The collapse of building 7 wasn't even mentioned in the 9/11 (c)Omission Report.

    For some good reading, go to the sites (scholars, architects, engineers)

    or watch the documentary of the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth

    I have not seen the BBC film.  If as suggested here, BBC is suggesting demolitions as a cause, I would be on the lookout for disinformation in that film.  From the get-go after 9/11, government and media have constantly released disinformation. They do so to entice people to believe easily "debunked" information thereby discrediting the truth movement as a whole and discouraging people from asking legitimate questions.

  4. They thought that Condoleezza Rice was behind it. But again, like so many conspiracy's, it's unproven. They even claimed that she hired the hijackers.

  5. Don't trust the BBC at all.  You know why.  They were caught red handed where a female reporter said that the WTC7 had collapsed and it was still standing there.:

    Yes, it was brought down in the late afternoon by explosives.

    Check out this website:

    Another good page:

  6. ..It was brought down because it was deemed unsafe by the Fire, Police etc. as it had got damaged      by the Towers coming down. My Son in law was on duty(Detective in the Police) at that time, and my Grandson as well who spent five days there and never went home.with all the gruesome things they had to do.There was no conspiracy   as far as New York was concerned, and it was a tragedy that will not be forgotten, by the evil people who violated   other innocent people

  7. it would appear to be true - an insurance scan where all the documentation went up in smoke mysteriously days later

    the fire chiefs initially refused to condem the building as they had deemed it safe and it was not hit by any debris from tower 1 or 2

  8. Something about a maintenance co. connected to the Bush family planting the explosives, Cheny running the op. from the White Hose basement,  yadda yadda.  I have heard this stuff before.

    The actions of the Bush administration are egregious enough.  We do not need to be giving his defenders this kind of stuff to trash the opposition.  I wish these conspiracy nuts would stay off our side.

  9. watch loose change, its a good watch

  10. i also watched this program, was a bit confused by it though, it appeared that with the experts they had on, the conspiracy was true as they said how the buildings couldn't have collapsed like that etc without a controlled explosion

  11. well, if it went down because it is a fire, how come no other buildings went down??

    it was an insurance job, plain and simple!!

  12. go on youtube you will find loads of stuff

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