
9 - 11 An inside job ?

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I researched on 9 - 11 and I pulled out this ! please answer the following questions !

1:How did Hijackers not just one but four of em and their weapons went unchecked at the airport ?

2:How did huge commercial planes kept on flying in a wrong direction for a period of time ?

3:How did a huge commercial plane went in a red zone and why was it not brought down, since their are jets on petrol all the time in the red zones !

4:The pentagon security cameras did not caught any plane crashing in the building ! there was just an explosion but no plane, and their was no wreckage found, only an engine and some seats along with few pieces of metal ! and the damage was farless then huge plane crash !

5:Why was all the gold and money which was not touched for many years was transeported from the vaults of the twin towers to a building not far from it not just one day before 9 - 11

6:No one officially claimed those attacks :-0 then how did they opened attack on a country ? did they guessed ?




  1. Whats scary is some of you people that believe this c**p are actually old enough to vote.

  2. Most of these statements are just not accurate.  

    1.  This was back when airport security was not what it is today.  They had only box cutters.

    2.  They were only off course for maybe the last 10 minutes or so.

    3.  It was not in a no-fly zone until the very last minute.  The pentagon is not in DC, but in Virginia.  DC National airport is actually closer to the city than the pentagon is.

    4.  Of course there was plane wreckage found.  Your statement is not accurate.  

    5.  Money is always transferred between banks.

    6. Of course al Qaeda claimed the attacks.  It was all over the news.  In fact, there was subsequent evidence found that they had been planning the attack since 1997.  They financed flight school for 6 people over the course of several years.  

    However, I do get a kick out of all you conspiracy theorists.  Keeps things interesting.

  3. watch a film that you can get on the internet called loose change it destroys the "official story"

    Watch this if you still dont think 911 was an inside job

    911 was an inside job to further the New World Order

  4. You've hit the nail on the head there.  It was so obviously an inside job.  The scary part is that so many people realise it now and yet we do nothing.  Pathetic.

  5. These have been answered so many times, it is not worth the time to type a complete answer.

  6. Good points- our government has made it 'unpatriotic' to question this... I'm not convinced it was an inside job but look at the time  and money spent to prove Clinton got it on w/ an intern. Doesn't the worst terror attack in history warrant half as much inquiry than Clinton did?

  7. 1: At the time, you were allowed to have a blade up to 4 inches long. Their box-cutters were perfectly legal to take on planes then. That changed quickly.

    2: They weren't off course that long before crashing, I think less than 30 minutes each, but I'm not quite sure. During the time they were off course, standard procedure was followed. The air traffic controllers tried to contact the plains, which had turned off their transponders. There was no response and without the transponder, they couldn't track the planes. The thinking was it was a conventional hijacking. It took a while to realize there was more than 1 plane missing, as the air traffic controllers don't conventionally talk to each other about such things. Nobody knew where those planes were until they cleared the skys of other planes so we could find anything that shouldn't be in the skys on radar. By the time that happened, the last plane was crashing in Pennsylvania. They had planes ready to scramble, but they were too late.

    3: The idea of shooting down a civilian aircraft was unthinkable at the time. They decided to do it after the plane crashed into the pentagon, but the final plane crashed in PA shortly thereafter. It was too late. Plus, at the time planes flew directly over DC all the time. Flying over the pentagon isn't so far off course. They altered the routes after 9/11.

    4: The minimal damage was do to the fact that that very part of the building had just been renovated. It was the first step in a process to improve security against massive explosions. They believe that they were going for a different part of the building, but missed, attempting to his the inside wall of the far side of the building, rather than the outside wall of the near side. That would have been much more devastating. However, if you look at the video footage from the time, this "minimal" damage was still enormous and there was plenty of evidence of the plane itself, including video (not pentagon security camera video, but video). I imagine that the explosion pushing ahead of the plane would throw the pentagon security cameras out of whack. The ones that survived probably weren't in view of the plane itself. That last part is just a guess though.

    5. I don't know anything about this one except for what I saw on that stupid commercial for those coins. I believe there was a decent amount of silver recovered from the site though, but I'm not sure.

    6: Bin Laden realized quickly that there would be retaliation for these attacks, and so he did not immediately claim responsibility. Eventually, he did admit to planning it, after we had already invaded Afghanistan. He didn't admit it until after the US found video of him talking about the attacks. He said that before the attacks he thought the "best case scenario" was the destruction of the twin towers above the point where the planes struck, and he was pleased with the pancaking effect that caused the total devestation.

    7: The US had enough intel to put this together. There's the famous presidential daily breifing entitled "Bin Laden determined to attack inside the United States". We didn't have enough details to do anything actionable and we didn't do what we should have done to get those details. Does incompetance by the Bush administration surprise you at this point?

    8: I'm not sure about this one, but I believe it refers to the grounding of all aircraft in the US, which is unprecidented. That was how we figured out that there were no more planes after the 4 that crased. There were early reports that there might be up to 10.

    9: An investigation was attempted. Those who were incompetant or political friends of those who were incompetent resisted. The commission itself fought to do a good investigation and produced a pretty good report. "the 9/11 commission report". It would have been better if they had better cooperation from the Bush administration.

    10: As with any crime of this scale, there were several false leads that didn't pan out. If I remember correctly, this refers to a suspicious guy in a hotel room in New York, and I believe it turned out to be reported by a naturally paranoid hotel worker. I don't remember for sure, though.

    11: Bin Ladin's family has good relations with the Bush family, but neither the Bush family, nor even most of the Bin Ladin family have good relations with Osama Bin Ladin. That wasn't always the case. We armed him in Afghanistan to fight the Russians. That wasn't unusual for us. We also armed Iran, Iraq, and many other nations that ended up using those weapons against us.

    It is natural that when something so unthinkable happens that we look for a conspiracy. In this case, there is a conspiracy, a massive conspiracy. The conspiracy was among the 20 hijackers (19 who died and Zacharias Mosoui, who was caught) and the Al Qaeda hierarchy. It's been argued the US was negligent, but there is no evidence the US was complicit.

  8. Your facts are in error.

    All these questions have been resolve many times over.

    1.  The weapons carried by the hijackers were not on the banned list in 2001.

    2. They were off course for only a few minutes.

    3. None of the planes went into "red zones". except for a very few moments.

    4. The security cameras did indeed catch the plane crashing and wreckage has been recovered.

    5. Funds are constantly being transferred by electronic letters of credit.

    6. Bin Laden did claim credit. The video appeared within 48 hours of the attack and Bin Laden stated that had miscalculated the effects of the resulting fire and was surprised at the result.

  9. What research could you have done?  You can barely write in english.

  10. Its safe to say corruption at its best!! but i dont want to get assassinated!!!
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