
9/11 Firefighter John Shroeder says Explosions were happening before plane even hit the building ?

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In this interview Firemen Joe Shroeder gives first hand testimony of how Bombs went of in the North Tower before it was even struck by a plane...

121 firemen lost their Lives that day in the North Tower, his opinion counts...

does this man deserve to be listened to ?




  1. What was the firefighter doing at the World Trade center a 9 in the morning if it hadn't been hit by a plane yet.

  2. Yea there is no shortage of traitors covering up 9/11. Guliani and Bush are the most obvious. The liars in the mainstream media deceived by omission. There are a lot of witnesses like Joe Shroeder who have spoken out and most Americans have no idea that he and others like him even exist.

  3. I think that this whole matter requires a complete investigation, since the Kean report was a white was. I am active in a committee called Re open 911, which is collecting signatures to obtain an impartial; inquiry

  4. Yes he does deserve to be listened to but and this will no doubt be the hard part his personal testimony of a traumatic event should not override science or weigh more than the testimony of others, including all those firefighters who do not believe in controlled demolition but get quotemined and abused by the conspiracy theorists anyway.

  5. heya, won't give ya the links, find them yourself, yo.  but, the thing is, much of the video you may have seen on msm, is FAKE!  cnn, msnbc, etc..  it is coming out in some circles that the images on our TVs that morning were fake!  we have some young vid geniuses out there dissecting the truth.  what you saw on cnn isn't real.  images have been manipulated.  when dissected it becomes obvious that there was doctoring going on.  (buildings sometimes appear in the wrong places, damage alters between one frame and the next.  the panorama presented is impossible from the camera locations.  what you see is layered.).

    h**l, man, I think these ideas are wack, but there can be little doubt that much of what is "known" about 911 is contrived.  we need a new investigation.  they used to say all roads lead to rome.  in this incident all roads lead to 1600 pennsylvania.

  6. He deserves to be listened to, but the MSM won't put him on the air - except maybe to ridicule him.

    The big question is, what are we to do with the MSM, NSA, NIST, FAA, FBI, DoD, NORAD, etc., who are all at least guilty of covering for the perps.  At least.  And Congress won't do anything for fear of being anthraxed again.

    The BBC reported "WTC7 collapsed" 22 minutes BEFORE it collapsed!  It was in the background --- right behind the newscaster, ffs!  Now the BBC says they 'lost' the footage, can't explain it...  Horse pellets!

    Now that waterboarding is an approved interrogation method, they should start with some of the obvious perps and they'll crow like babies - domino effect.  Hint:  Larry Silverstein, d**k Cheney, Michael Chertoff, Dov Zakheim, Warren Buffett, and Rupert Murdoch.

  7. Sure, but why didn't security say anything when the cameras would have surely shown people placing explosives within the building's structure.  That's not a quick process.

  8. The "echo effect" of the crackling fires in the building only sounded like explosions--but they weren't.  Really!  (I work for NIST.)

  9. NO.  i was there.  this is caa caa.

  10. Many people claim that... including about half of the 911 calls on 9/11...

    The day before the disaster, they ushered everybody out of the WTC for some kind of "routine security" check...

    AND... The same company that was in charge of securities for the airline were the same ones in charge of securities for the WTC...

    AND... Building 7 was demolished and never mentioned in the 9/11 commission report.

    Of course, these could all be "conspiracies" or they could be coincidences... I wasn't there, so I can't tell you.

  11. yeah i saw this dvd that says that there were already bombs inside of the trade center and thats why it came down like a demolition.

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