
9/11 (September 11th)

by  |  earlier

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okay, so i know all the stuff about 9/11 ,

i've watched alot of youtube videos,

i personally think this was a inside job that bush planned,

we've seen him lie about it,

but anyway wat are ur opinions on 9/11 ,

was it a inside job?

who do u think planned it?

wat struck the pentagon?




  1. i do think the whole thing is a bit suss but im not to sure that bush had anything to do with it, and for them to be so upset about the loss of people from that one day is a bit odd when the counrty and others have lost more people in the iraq war than on 9/11 i know it's sad and everything but i think maybe someone just wanted to pick a fight.

    Also think of all the technology these days everything on the video could be bull, i've watch some also.

    I think this will be another unanswered question in hisory did they or didn't they only few will ever know

  2. I'm no fan of Bush but I don't think even he would approve a plan to kill thousands of his citizens.

    It was an act of terrorism allowed to succeed only due to presidential incompetence.

  3. A group of Al-Queda Islamic fanatics chose to fly civil aeroplanes into two landmark buildings in New York.
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