
9/11 attacks on the twin towers

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I have always taken an interest into peoples views about the conspiracy theories into the 9/11 attacks. I was just wondering if you were a person along with all those others on one of the planes that went into the twin towers wouldn't you do your best to fight back? Just like the passengers on the forth plane that went into the field? Apprently that was heading for the white house, i just find that wierd the plane what would of caused the least amount of deaths was the only plane not to hit its target?

Please only sensible answers i dont mean to offend anyone with this question.




  1. You see, anyone who says anything but the government-released stories of what happened there is discounted as a "crackpot conspiracy theorist." So there ARE blabbermouths; they cite evidence of indications this was going to happen as far back as a year prior to it happening.

    But they're not a threat. Because everyone believes they are fanatics. Which is sad, because it lulls you all into complacency for the next event. Which is already on it's way.

    Did you know that if you are considered a terrorist, you have NO RIGHTS? The CIA can take you into custody, no phone call, no lawyers, detain you as long as they want, by simply connecting you with terrorist activities. This was the intended outcome of this event: to convince America to willingly give up their rights to fight terrorism. And it worked.

    This was designed to give us an enemy to hate. Didn't anyone read 1984 or understand what it meant? Apparently not, because everyone believes in only the goodspeak.

    Would I fight? h**l yeah. I'm going to die anyway, I'd fight to the death.

    For the record, I don't believe this is a conspiracy of the U.S. government. It's a conspiracy on a much larger level. The U.S. is just a pawn in this game.

    But here's the interesting thing: The Muslims are a pawn in this TOO. Convince them the U.S. is the enemy, convince us Muslims are the enemy - and you have 1984 played out in real life.

    Think of who controls the world's resources: the food, communications, the energy sources. There's your evil "Big Brother."

  2. Documentaries may change your mind. Watch "Loose Change". JFK's death was a conspiracy so it's definitely possible.

    You should also read about Osama Bin Laden's life, especially where and how he was educated and trained.

  3. Ok USA drop Uranium tipped warheads on them for no reason  so they (Iraq) give the US what they deserve a kick in the ***  The END  

  4. Well if I was on the plane. I'd probably wouldn't know what to do.

    I do believe that Big Brother was an active participant in 9/11.

    They either let it happen or did it themselves.

    But the really funny thing is like with JFK or the Iran-Contra scandal. Is the government forms a committee to investigate itself.  

  5. Yes, that along with many other discrepencies, and circumstances are such that anyone capable of independent thought smells a rat.

    The who, when, what can only be guessed at.

    The only certainty is that the story of 19 Arabs with boxcutters doing the damage, unhindered by US security, is such a huge lie, it is embarrassing that so many fellow beings actually believe it.

  6. ....Erm, the least damage? That one would've killed the president. Also, if that plane went and killed Bush, would we be in Iraq? Food for thought....

    Oh wait, Bush was reading a book to kids at the time. d**n, he wouldn't have been killed.

  7. tht is weird.

    how the plain with the least amount of deaths missed its targets.

    but i just dont understand how yu could put tht into a question.


  8. The really terrifying thing is that so many lies have been told by this administration. So many atrocities committed that I don't know if they did it or not. I don't know if they just knew it was going to happen and let it. I don't know if they were simply so incompetent that they missed all the signs that an attack was coming.

    I am pretty sure however that the devil did not do it.

    Unless Cheney is the devil! Both scenarios there are possible then!

  9. Some people cant do anything about what is going to happen to them. My uncle was a air conditioner repairman that was ontop ot the hit building. And there was just about nothing he could do that would have saved his life. I only wish someone would have stopped that plane instead of just sitting back and letting their lives slip away

  10. Think of the number of people who would have to be involved IF THIS WAS A CONSPIRACY.  Someone would eventually become a blabbermouth!

  11. The terrorists are cowards!!!  To take innocent lives and for what?  It only made a ton of people afraid and confused and now there is more hatred  in the world!!!  I hope God told them "there are NO virgins" for a sin as great as terrorism & mass murder you go straight to he-ll-o and that they feel for eternity all the pain and suffering they caused!

  12. The 9/11 attacks really p**s me off! Both my dad and uncle whom I'm really close to are Leutenant Colonals air force. My uncle has been in Iraq three times and my dad is on call to go there anytime in the next two years. My cousin is in the navy and is currently over in the Persian Gulf until November. It's scary not to know if someone will ever be coming home. This war never woud've started if the Towers were attacked, along with also the Pentagon. My aunt lives in DC and was right down the road when the pentagon was hit.

    I think the whole idea to randomly take over planes was absolutely REDICULOUS. About the fact of being a person on the plane headed to the twin about standing up for our country, I honestly think they might of. No one really knows what happened on that plane. For all we know people may have tried and been shot or stabbed. Maybe they didn't even know the plane was hijacked. We never know.

    Good question.

  13. Why they didn't fight back: Because up until that point it was extremely uncommon for a hijacked plane to be used as a weapon (read: it wasn't). People were taken hostage and used as bargaining chips because typically, they were flown to another country where the hijacker got off, got their demands, and the people returned home unharmed.

    So the consensus on the morning of September 11th was (because it's known from the black box thingy) that the hijackers were going to divert the plane elsewhere, land, let the people go, then get whatever they wanted. People thought it best NOT to fight back because if you're going to be let go, why bother? Just be safe and ride it out.

    In relation, there was an attempted hijacking of a Southwest Airlines flight not to long ago (a year or two if I remember correctly) and the passengers almost killed the hijacker, proving that people won't stand for it anymore. Or... y'know.. that Southwest is really that bad at customer service...

    Whatever you decide to believe always remember two things, please:

    1) Irregardless of what you think, 3000 people died that morning, NEVER forget that

    2) Always read the counter point to whatever you believe, never follow blindly, it doesn't mean you have to change your mind, but PLEASE be informed.

  14. There was a comedian and some months after 911 he was talking about flying alot for work and how he always carries an inkpen and then he would "click" it so if there were any terrorists thinking about taking over a plane he was on "click" "click"

    I started flying alot for work after seeing that comedy special and it made me think a little that if someone tried to take over a plane I would totally use whatever weapon I could to defend myself which would most definately be stabbing them with a pen.

  15. The passengers on the plane supposedly heading to the white house had passengers on it that stood up againist them. We will never know what happened in the planes, we will never know what was said. We can only assume.

    The people who hit the towers felt like they were doing the right thing. I know it's hard to understand (because I don't understand), but it's true. Plus, a lot of people hate americans. I remember that day like it was yesterday, it was a horrible day in American history.

    A plane also hit the pentagon, don't forget that. As a lot of people do.

    I would like to think if I was in a situation like that I would stand up againist them, but I do not have ANY idea what I would do even if you know you are going to die, it's kind of a hard thing to think about. Most of us don't know what a near-death experience feels like.  They were SCARED to death!

    To the person who said "least damage, it would of killed the president"

    Nope! It wouldn't of, he was reading books to kids remember? And when he was told, he kept reading to them. His reason "he didn't want to freak the kids out"

    the president is rarely  in the white house. Think about it....

  16. Well I don't care what other people say but I believe the 9/11 attacks were a conspiracy and that George W. Bush had a major role in it.

    Have you ever seen footage of how the building falls? If you get a close up look at the building you can see bursts of debris and smoke coming out of the windows from other explosions.

    Why were the bomb sniffing dogs, THAT WERE ALWAYS THERE 365 DAYS OF THE YEAR, not at the Twin Towers on the day of 9/11?

    I don't know if this was true but I read somewhere that the Twin Towers were shut down for "cable upgrades" sometime before the the terrorist attacks. I also read the George Bush has an uncle or a brother that owns an electrical company that did the job. What a coincidence huh?

    Why was the preseident at a Florida elementary school on 9/11? Wasn't there a plane suppose to hit the White House or something?? Why were there 90+ emergenecy drills from June to September in the White House?

    Didn't the Secretary of Transportation say something about Cheney being notified everytime the "target" got closer? I don't know the exact words.

    Oh yeah doesn't George Bush and his family own a lot of oil companies. Where is there a substantial amount of oil in the world? IRAQ!! And why is that while George Bush has been in office, his primary focus is Iraq. Now, Look at gas prices. How much was gas before Geore W Bush was in office? Now look at it after. I feel that he came into office mainly to better himself and his family rather than America by getting the price of oil increase. Look at gas prices, he has be rich!!.... I was just thinking about this last one the other day not a fact or proof or anything just my personal opinion.

    I could list many more but I have researched the subject in a year or two.

    But in my HONEST opinion, I feel that George Bush played a major role in terrorist attacks and I feel that he SHOULD stand trial and pay for what he is done. If he is left of the hook and this whole incident is swept under the rug America's dreams of a better life for people has became totally corrupt.

  17. Most of the people on those aircraft had no idea they were going to crash into the buildings. Hijackers usually don't crash the airplane, they usually just use hostages as a negotiating tool to get what they want then the hostages are released unharmed.

    The reason the 4th plane was crashed into a field is that someone on board got word of what was going on, so the passengers tried their best to take over control of the airplane and in the process the plane crashed.  

  18. your quistion is well respected im in the army and to me ur right but also are president and goverment hide alot of stuuf from us but i think it was a set up thats why the white house wasnt hit

  19. If you are really interested in this then I would suggest googling it or looking at youtube videos on it.  There are a lot of experts in the education and archetecture fields who believe that what we were told was not true, and there's a lot of information about it.  I am not sure what I believe, I definitely know that our government does not tell us everything though for whatever reason.  But I kinda have to agree with something I heard Charlie Sheen say which was "I think it sounds much more like a conspiracy theory that four guys with box cutters hijacked a plane than thinking the government or something bigger was involved with this."

  20. all you need to know is this: Pissed off Muslims.  

  21. From what I remember it was the passengers on the third (or fourth?) hijacked plane with mobile phones who got messages about the twin towers that alerted them as to what could happen to them.  

    That's why they fought the hijackers.  They had nothing to lose.

  22. I don't know anything about what happened on those planes that hit the towers.

    The things that I really wonder about though are not all these conspiracy theories about how the buildings fell.  It's possible that it was an inside job, but that's not what I would want to base my opinions on.

    What gets me is that somehow, without military intervention, these huge jets that obviously show up on Air Traffic Control radar were somehow able to fly that low over the busiest part of the largest city in the U.S.A.

    To me that is negligence.

    I know people will write this off, they get mad about me wondering about this, but it just doesn't make sense.

    It also shows that even if you do have one of the biggest militaries in the world, it's not necessarily the greatest.  What's so good if you've got radar that detects stuff and fighter planes that can get off the ground in 5 seconds if the people behind them are sleeping??

    It's not like a passenger jet is flying on track then 3 seconds later is flying into a building.  It takes a lot of rerouting which shows up on radar.

    It just astounds me.

    Yet on the other hand whenever I go to the States I see how unaware people are.  I remember doing a tour of Pearl Harbour and the marine driving the boat to and from the memorial was texting on his cell phone while steering.

    I thought, "Ahhhh.  So that's maybe what it was like on that fateful day when they got bombed.  Just typical unaware Americans doing their jobs in a superficial way..."

  23. Them muslims is da ones...  

  24. The policy of the airlines before 9/11 was in case of a hijacking keep everyone calm and placid and follow the hijacker's orders.  This was exactly what they were trained to do and this is what they did until the people on cell phones got word that two hijacked planes had hit the WTC.  

  25. We can't say what we would do in such a situation since we, thankfully, have never been faced with it. The reason the flight 93 fought back was because they knew what was going on. The other two planes had already flown into the Twin Towers and they were in touch with their families on their cell phones. The people on the first two planes didn't know they were going to be used as human bombs until it was done. There had been plenty of hijackings in the past and they probably figured they would be held hostage for a while. No one could have imagined what did happen.

  26. i dont remember where i saw this but the number of the plane that was on its way to the pentagon, when typed into word, and changed into a certain picture font...the letters turned into shapes...two were blocks with windows, representing the twin towers, one was a plain and another was the skull and cross bones

    creepy stuff

  27. Superb a sensible question about one of the most important moments in the history of the U.S.A.

    To answer your question.At that time i don't think anybody could of imagined that these people were capible of such an act (i belive they were responsible for these acts themself, no remote control airplane nonsense please).So when in a hostage senario like that your always told to become "the grey man" who remains unoticed in the crowd, it helps your chance of survial.

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