
9/11 ??? callapsing ?

by Guest31901  |  earlier

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i understand a plane hit it , but when it callapsed is where i get confused .

i mean if you see a demolition site the bulidings go down like it did in the twin towers .

was there bombs in side the buildings before the plane hit it ?

becasue i definetly know that a plane cant make a building callaspe the way it did . plus , these storyes . like the smoke comeing out like a picture of a devil ? , first they 'deffinetly' say it was terrorist , and now that the 'devil' did it ..... make up your mind .

they took the terrorist thing to far now . america overtoke isral .

sorry if it sounds like im complaining , but i am serisouly getting pi**ed off now .




  1. 9/11 = Revelation 11 & 18

  2. i'll tell you right away, that there is no way that a regular everyday ol' person can tell you exactly what happened.

    so what i suggest you do is your research.

    theres many movies made about conspiracies and all that, so you might want to watch some. theres also a lot of videos on youtube.

    here, i found you one to start off with:

  3. No Bombs. The heat of the fire that started on impact bent the structure causing a collapse. It wasn't Israel who did it, it was Al-Qaeda.

  4. Ya took the right pill!

    IDK how the perps pulled it off but it was a demolition of some kind. Steel beams don't blow out horizontally hundreds of feet from a collapse. Collapse doesn't pulverize everything to dust at the TOP. Tiny bits of human remains do not land on rooftops hundreds of feet away after a collapse. I could go on but that's enough.

    Only the sheeple see it as a collapse. Maybe some day we'll know the details, maybe not. The govt got in there immediately to secure the site and haul the evidence away. That tampering of evidence of a crime scene was illegal but nobody questioned it at the time. Most of us were sheeple right after.

    Peeps deny demolitions cuz their thinking is limited to what they know exists for demolition toys. My guess is the tools used to fell those towers are not tools distributed your everyday demolitions supplier. The military is always developing tools we don't know about until generations later.

  5. Yes it did.
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