
9/11 conspiracy ?. WHO ELSE is tired of this BS?

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9/11 conspiracy ?. WHO ELSE is tired of this BS?

YES it was a conspiracy NOT by the US but by a group of crazy "Muslims". The U.S. ignored or did not take the warnings of an imminent attack seriously. Therefore the ONLY thing I blame the US for is ALLOWING it to happen. If you bash me or call me names you know what will happen so courteous answers/feedback only. If you have a diff opinion say it nicely .

Thank you for your input . Have a nice day!!!

FYI : Didn't any1 see on South Park. Most 9/11 "Conspiracy sites" are RUN by the governemnt.





  1. I don't know. They kinda grew on me like a raging case of herpes. It's free entertainment, but not really fair cuz then we get to beat them down with what normal people like to call "Reality" and I'm sure there's a law against putting a verbal smack down on retards. So's cheaper than going to the movies.

  2. I am. I lost two people I knew who were on the plane which hit the Pentagon. And I've had a bellyful of idiots who try to imply that my friends were riding on top of some missile and not inside the fuselage of that plane.

    Until the "9--11 Truth" bunch emerged from hiding wearing their tin-foil hats I never realized how deep the visceral hatred of George Walker Bush was among some of my fellow citizens. And I never realized how little many of them think about those who did suffer a loss in the events of that day. They concentrate on viewing videos and reading blogs. None of them ever stood at the corner of Church and Vesey Streets in lower Manhattan and looked at that gigantic hole in the ground. Like a collection of dwarf stars they are both distant and cold.

  3. Yea and the scary thing about it is that it could happen again at anytime, Homeland Security has done nothing to make the country safer than it was before 9/11

  4. i agree with you on that. it has been almost 7 years sence then... and i think that we need to let the people that died that day rest in piec. i also think that it is kind of our falts for it happing we could have stopet it...when we had all of the wornings... but no we had to have it happen. but in away i dont think that we were to blane... because we did not fly those plans that crash in to the trade center or the pentigon or even the fild in PA.

  5. I dont follow them to much, but I recently hear that most of the alleged terrorists were still alive in the middle east somewhere

  6. My husband is into government conspiracies and I am sooo sick of listening to it.  I heard enough myself!

  7. No one can prove who was behind it, but the 9/11 Commission Report was a white wash that omitted many important facts and distorted other information. Sadly, the US media will not touch this story with a 10 foot, red-hot, steel support beam.

    The destruction of the Twin Towers and the destruction of the WTC7 building looked like a demolition, smelled like a demolition, and was a demolition. I did not believe it was a "collapse" at the time and I still don't.

    Please go to the 9/11 Truth Movement site to get information about this event.

  8. Those conspiracy theorists must drive Osama bin Laden crazy.  He was so proud of his work.

  9. People are still coming up with conspiracies for the Kennedy assasination 45 years ago. It will never end! Their small minds just can't understand that one, or a few, can cause such greif so they make up stories to help them cope.

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