
9-11 conspiracy by the goverment

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in the 9-11 conspiracy one plane hits the other is a missile

the 1st tower get hit by a missile u can see this very cleary on this video

and the 2nd plane is hit by a unidentified palne which i think is a miltiary plane as it has no windows and i think the the viedo above it has a bomb underneath it and its remote controlled. so i think its the goverment **** george bush




  1. cui bono

  2. Wow, I thought all of the knuckle-draggers had been given the boot by now.  I guess there are still some stupid ones out there who'll believe anything.  If people tried to say the same thing about the Bubba Clinton administration, they'd be hunted down and shot.

  3. yeah but people, civillians on the plane died people that weren't and shouldn't of been anywhere near the twin towers

  4. Yawn, I see the inmates are running the asylum again.

    "so i think its the goverment **** george bush"  No sir this is indisputable proof that you DON'T think period.

  5. Thats beautiful, do you know people also think that the haloucaust never happened. It's great to live in the United States and be able to have those beliefs.

  6. I watched the news footage of those planes (yes, planes) flying into the buildings. They were commercial planes. There were no missiles. There was NO GOVERNMENT CONSPIRACY.

    Grow up or go to a psychiatrist, as you evidently have paranoia and trust issues...

  7. Is that you, Rosie?

  8. Not true,.. do you believe everything on you-tube, I sure hope not.

  9. Only an idiot would believe a video from You Tube on this subject.

    I take it you are not aware that those videos were debunked years ago?

  10. I'm a conspiracy nut but that video is too blurry to tell.

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