
9/11 what were you doing at the exact time?

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Why is it people remember what they were doing/where they were etc etc at the time of 9/11...what were you doing?




  1. I was sitting in school.

  2. I had just woken up on the morning of the 12th September. NZ.

  3. i think i was in my living room wen i saw it

  4. At the class in the school library.  

  5. I was getting ready for work that morning. I had some time to kill. I had the tv on and saw the buildings falling. It was awful! I couldn't stop watching it.

  6. People remember because dramatic and traumatic events are memorable. Brainwashing is most successful when the person being brainwashed is exposed to something dramatic or traumatic. This is not a political statement, nor am I intending to imply that there was some conspiracy (although there was, in that two people planning something is a conspiracy). Think of how boot camp works.

    I was sleeping at the time the planes crashed into the WTC, but I remember being woken up and told about it.

  7. having s*x with my wife, coincidentaly enough we concieved that day and had twins, go figure,

  8. Walking home from school (in the uk), I saw a tv in a pub window. Then put sky news on when I got in

  9. I was in half day kindergarten (I was at home at the time) and my mom and I were watching the news and seeing it happen. I didnt no what was happening at the time, all I knew was that a plane crashed into a building and my mom kept saying "Oh My God"  

  10. i was in third or fourth grade and i remember our principal coming in and telling our teacher but i don't remember them telling us and then when i got home i found out that that is what she told my teacher!!! and then it was all over the news

  11. I was sitting in my fifth grade classroom. We really didn't know what was going on at the time, but we left the news on all day. I got home and heard more about it.

    I'm sorry about your loss, HouAnswerGuy.

  12. i just woke up i was staying in a hotel in orlando we were going to disney world but that plan went out the window :(

  13. Because for many it was a traumatic experience no matter where you were...I was sleeping in till I heard my roommate screaming F**k F**k F**k...he was normally a very quiet guy...I thought house was on fire or something...woke up went to living room and saw it on tv...not realizing by that time I was screaming the same thing...shortly after the phone started ringing...we both lost several friends that day and I will never forget the feeling of helplessness and fear.

  14. was in school

  15. I was in school.

  16. Driving down the highway to school Didn't find out about it tell i got there  

  17. I was at school.we stopped class to watch the news. the day was crazy.  if i remember correctly during that same week our school recieved a bomb threat and we had to leave for a shelter. but also we found out that an air base across the street, not even a block down was on the list as one of the top ten places to be bombed around that time.

  18. I was in the third grade. I pretty much unaware of it until fourth grade. I am still trying to understand it all. I've watched a documentary on it in middle school...

  19. I was masturbating and my sister came busting in my room to tell me about the planes flying into the towers.

  20. Tattooing "live each day as if it were your last" down the side of a clients back.

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