
9/11 your thoughts?

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Was you there? or did you know someome, how was you effected? what is you thoughs...




  1. zionist false flag attack

  2. This is the UK & Ireland YA, its '11/9' here mate. More important to the UK was 7/7. Madrid was 11/3. Iraq was 20/3, Afghanistan was 7/10.

    All that horrendous slaughter in the name of Oil

    The only leader still in place is the cretin r****d that started it all - G W Bush

  3. If you can get around the human loss and tragedy, i think it was beautiful

  4. It will happen again, somewhere. I feel angry when I think of that day!

  5. 9/11 changed the world, although I wasn't there it affected me very much I had been in those buildings only two years before , when we watched the second plane go in, it was horrifying, even more so as you could see the inside of the buildings in your minds eye,a very sad day indeed.

  6. This type of behavior has the potential to unleash the "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" upon our world!

  7. Horrible, why would you won't to bring up this questing, people will never get over that PS and I'm a Scotsman

  8. I was 15 at the time it happened and watched it during school. I didn't really know what was going on until years later. I found out more truth than I wanted to.

    All the lies the government has been telling us (which shouldn't be a surprise), telling us that it was strictly a terrorist attack.

    I call that a swiss cheese theory. "To many holes in the story"

    There is so much more evidence supporting that it was an inside job than supporting it was an act of Osama bin Laden.

    It makes me sick in my stomach to think how much the government doesn't care how many lives were lost and that the good of the country is to lie to us.

    I was just watching a documentary the other day about the structure and collapse of the two buildings. and how it was impossible for both of the building to have pancake collapses considering where the fire was and how hot it was burning.

    How many people who worked there heard construction going on in empty floors of both buildings. The floors were stripped of everything; completely empty.

    also that security cameras went off in said rooms and in the sub levels below the buildings. Bomb sniffing dogs were removed a week before 9/11...I could go on and on

    I'm glad I didn't know anyone who was caught or working in those buildings. It was a terrible tragedy and I hope that someday that everybody can know the truth about all of it and start thinking for themselves instead of being blind sheep being lead by a bunch of corrupt fatcats in Washington.

  9. I wasn`t there but my thought s are one of sadnes for the people who lost their lives , the relatives left, and for the people who`s lives are that sick that they feel they have to do this horrific thing and for everyone that lives on this earth because we are the intelligent race and we are still killing people weather it be like 9/11 or iraq ,afganistan, serbia and Africa we drive and feel driven to kill people.

  10. It was a dark day for the world.I do think though that American's need to stop and realise that America's meddling in other countries affairs for selfish reasons bring much darker days,months and years to a far greater number of innocent people around the globe.

    America squandered the good will afforded it in the aftermath and it will never again be looked upon as a proud nation. It's morals are in the gutter now.

    My heart goes out to the families of the 9/11 dead and to all innocent people who have lost their loved ones in Iraq both in the military and civilians.

  11. i wasn't there and i was only 6 at the time. I think that the us government had something to do with it if not everything

  12. I was in Boston at the time and it was shocking and very wrong.

  13. The CIA, knew the terrorist action in advance, but they let the terrorists to do their work, this was to get a great impact on the public opinion to justify the wars against Afghanistan and Iraq. Right now Condoleza Rice is objecting the Iran's nuclear program to justify other invasion to a country rich in oil.

  14. it was such a horrible event.  i wasn't there but i did know someone who lost their life.  a sad tragic day.  it was spooky not seeing or hearing any planes in the sky that day.

  15. Unnecessary and known about. I was working (at a 911 center) and thanking the GODS above I did not live in NY anymore. After the fact I was pissed because Bush sent troops to Iraq for NO REASON except to avenge his daddy's name back when Saddam made an *** of George senior. He should have finished his job in Afghanistan before he ever considered going there.

  16. it was a conspiracy didn't you see the documentary loose change

  17. no and clucked off with peplo saying 9/11 like its the only day there ever was we all know what happened there are no more versions of eye witness account to be had planes highjacked hit building,building fall down, people die. o wait the guy who ocastrated the whole thing works for the us all it was all done to keep control over the world ecconomy by the us and open all and any doors for us to act without care or concideration

  18. I wasnt there and I dont know anyone that was ther but I do believe that it was all set up by the goverment

  19. terrible day

    we had 3 floors in the twin towers and only one of our staff didnt make it out....we were sent home just after 2pm, but we stayed to watch the horror unfold on the dealing floor screens

    v v sad !

  20. It was directly caused by religion (Jihad) Being that mankind pays the bills of religion, we should have more of a say in what they do.  I know someone who lost their son.

  21. No, but I will never ever forget those scenes broadcast on the TV, and they will stay with me for the rest of my life.

  22. I watched those towers come down just a couple blocks over.

    The dust and soot or whatever you want to call it made it almost impossible to breathe. After going through that I decided if it wasn't on the first floor I wasn't going. I've also heard too many people trying to prove that it was all planned by our own government if that was so then what was the benefit?? 2 Planes, people either being crushed or jumping to

    their death, the bravest firefighters never making it out.

    This country needs to wake up and smell the coffee if the terrorists want to attack they will using whatever they can get their hands on.

  23. I wasn't there and nobody I know was - we are all across the Atlantic in Great Britain fortunatly.

    I don't know what I think really, apart from the people who hijacked of the planes had more than 1 s***w loose in their heads. I can't imagine what the families of the victims feel like.

    I suppose I think the same about 11/9 (as I'm not American I naturally use the British format) as I think about any suicide bombing - that the people involved have to be very brainwashed and rather mentally unstable.

  24. Still haunts me to this day,especially when I had a premonition about it that morning! Still dumbfounds me!!!!

  25. simply put: the darkest day in modern history

  26. Bush and the like knew it was happening and helped it along. And before you thick yanks start screaming. Try researching it instead of believing everything your told.

  27. very tragic and unnecessary

  28. nope soz

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