
9 Month old Daighter never content? Always fussy?

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My daughter has been this way since about 3 months...She had acid reflux up until about 1 month ago and she rarey ever spits up now...She is not content with anything...I can put her in her walker and she will be content for about 10 min, then her playpen, then her swing and nothing ever satisfies her....What to do? Does anyone else have a baby like this? Please give any advice...Her 9 Month appt is coming up soon...Should I say anything to the Dr?




  1. You should say something to the Dr. Try turning on the radio or the tv while shes playing not loud just to give her some back ground noise might help calm her down.. put her on the floor with multiple toys around her . Some baby's are just  plain old fussy. I was lucky my 1st child was a HAPPY baby, my 2nd one not so much. Would scream for any reason under the sun. He was to the point when he was about 18 months old and we would go to the store and he would wave and say Hi to everyone if they didn't say hi to him it would break his little heart and he would scream and cry and scream and cry and drive me nuts. Now... he is a bit older and still loves attention butdozenn`t act that way for it anymore. Maybe theres something that shes uncomfortable with.  

  2. Yes talk to the doctor about all the concerns. It could be something totally unrelated. I know our daughter wasn't happy much whenever teeth were coming in. You might also want to check out toys that challenge her skills.

  3. She's bored.  She needs more interaction.  Take her for long walks.  Join a playgroup.  Go to the playground and let her watch the big kids run and play.  Get down on the floor and play with her.

    Ten minutes is about the longest attention span you can expect from a baby her age.  Ten minutes is practically an eternity for her!

  4. Try playing with her.  My daughter isn't content if I put her in a swing/playpen/walker by herself either.  Put her on a blanket on the floor, get down on the floor with her and play.

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