
9 days past iui & no pregnancy symptoms (have you been pregnant without any symptoms)??

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I know that most of you will say that its too early....but i have read & read & so many ladies experience something ( etc.

I had sore nipples a few days ago, but now they've gone, and I feel normal!

Please make me positive!!





  1. what do u mean?iui?

  2. It is possible to have no symptoms, but to have any as early as this would be very unusual.

      With both of my pregnancies, I experienced tender b*****s from around 10-12 days after conception, with nausea starting around week 5-6.

      Good luck, I remember the awful two week wait, so frustrating.

  3. i had a few mild cramps at 7dpo and nothing more i tested a few days before my period was due and got a positive, i have only just started getting sore breast constipation nausea the last week or so, I'm now 8 weeks pregnant, test in a few days time good luck  

  4. With my first pregnancy i had morning sickness and heartburn from the very first day! My daughter was born perfectly healthy with a full head of hair (explaining the heartburn!)

    With this second pregnancy, (due in early 2009) i've had none of that, no morning sickness or anything.

    Women are so different to each other and every pregnancy is different also!

    It's not impossible to tell really early on that your pregnant, some women can just sense it. I had the signs with baby number 1 but baby number 2, i relied on having no period.

    Sit it out and take a test.

    Hope everything goes well!

  5. Why don't you just take a test? They are very sensitive these days and can detect the pregnancy hormones very early on

  6. I am currently 7 days post ovulation after undergoing IVF

    The two week wait can be excruciating.

    I currently do not have any symptoms and am not giving up hope.

    I have previously had all the symptoms, sore b***s, nausea, even vomiting and nothing - I just think I wanted to be pregnant so bad and therefore felt as though I was pregnant.

    I wish you all the best and hope your IUI works.

  7. Yes, this is me. The only symptom I had was a sensation of my period about to begin but it never did.  Other than that I had no symptoms whatsoever during my two week wait and tested positive.  Only now I feel a little sick and sleepy and my b***s aren't painful at all.  Good luck I hope you get your positive.

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