
9 dpo - negative test results... Is it still possible

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I have been really messed up for a few months, I had a DNC in march and my periods have been pretty much nonexistent since then, I have however had annovulatory bleeding, which lasted off and on for a month (June). I finally ovulated (i think) on the 27th of July, Of course we Baby danced, and my dr. said wait 10 days and take a test, of course i am to excited to wait and have done four tests in the last week (stupid and waste of money-i know) I have been nauseaus, heightened sense of smell, and i have been gaining weight (not related - i know) I just feel different, and want to know if the test was negative this morning could it still be possible to get a positive in the next few days... p.s. no period at all for July. Thanks for any responses in advance, and please, i dont need any rude comments, Thanks




  1. Yes!! Wait till about 14 DPO for an accurate reading hun!!

  2. Hi, I had this with my daughter, tested when I thought I was overdue and it was negative, but tested again a wk later and it was positive!! I'd test agin in about 5-7 days time.  

  3. It is possible to get a fake negative at this stage of your pregnancy - if indeed you are..

    Wait for a week - difficult i know!

    Then test again, using the first morning urine, that way you are giving yourself the best chance of obtaining that BFP that you so desire! x x

  4. You definitely tested too early. This could've been a Fake BFN. Wait until 14 dpo or you miss AF.

    Good Luck and Baby Dust To You ~*~*~*~~*~*~*  

  5. My doctor told me it is better to wait until 18 DPO to test.  It will give you better accuracy.  Your testing a little early right now.  It shouldn't be showing up yet.

  6. It is still possible. I recommend with the forums. There are some ladies testing negative every day beginning at 10 DPO till finally positive on 14 DPO or so. One lady tested BFN in the morning and BFP in the evening! The HCG levels need to start rising, then reach that level to be measured by tests... 9 DPO is very early so don't get discouraged! Baby Dust!!

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