
9 month old and napping?

by  |  earlier

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My little one normally takes 3 naps a day, one hour each nap and is in bed at 9pm for the night and sleeps until morning. She usually stays up about 3 hours in between naps. Today she had her first nap at 9 and woke up just before 10am. Then she went down at 1pm and is still sleeping. VERY ODD for her. Could she be changing her napping and going to 2 naps? My other question is, if she wakes up soon, which she probably will, should I just keep her up for 4 hours as opposed to 3 and put her to bed at 8pm? I can't see her lasting longer than that since she is usually good for 3 hours but I'll go by her cue. If I do that though, will that s***w up her sleeping since she normally goes to bed at 9? Just curious what others did when their babies changed their napping. It's just so odd for her to do this but babies are always changing and growing! Thanks for any input.




  1. my son used to sleep in the morning but ended when he was 10 month old.he used to sleep 45min to 1hr during AM and sleep after 3hours.he usually woke up in the morning at 6 .this was his routine.he will sleep every the evening was different. he started sleeping 5 hours straight in the evening when he was 3months.he used to wake up 2 times at night. when he reached his 1st yr he doesnt want to take a nap in the morning anymore but sleeps for 2 to 3hours in the afternoon. he will sleep at 9pm and sometimes wake up in the middle of the night but right now he sleeps 12hours straight in the evening and a nap in the afternoon for about 2hours.he is 21 month old.

    so you see, it changes! dont be frightened!

  2. I would just go with what your child seems to need in terms of naps. If she is taking fewer naps in the day it could be that you might need to start moving her bedtime forwards, but to be honest you're going to have to do this eventually anyway. As she starts taking fewer naps in the day 9pm is going to be too late for her to go to bed. I know it's a way in the future but when she's 2/3 you should probably be aiming for a bedtime of around 7.30 - 8pm

  3. She is probably growing. My son used to do that all the time, and now at almost 4 still takes 2-3 hour naps, especially when his legs hurt from growing pains.

    Don't change her nap time, let her tell you when she is tired. Make sure to keep her on her schedule for bed time as much as you can. I let my son fall asleep before his set bedtime if he wants, but never after.

    I wouldn't worry too much about it, but if you are truly worried you should talk to you daughter's physician.

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