
9 month old girl wakes up screaming w/anger at 2am , why?

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she wakes up very angry and screaming then will go back to sleep after about 20 mins to an half hour. She doesn't want held, fed, or anything. 'She just screams with her eyes closed and swings her arms.




  1. Sounds like she's sleep talking

    Maybe she is having a bad dream, and since her eyes are closed it doesn't sound like she's awake either. Try making time before bad very pleasant. Eliminate any exciting activities at night with her. Do you have a babysitter? Maybe something she is doing that makes your daughter so upset.

    Long story short, something in this little child's life is upsetting her. Try to find out what and eliminate it. IF you don't know where to look for clues, ask your pediatrician or a nurse.  

  2. Sounds like a Night Terror. Its different from a nightmare...usually happens within 1-2 hours of going to bed and child is inconsolable.

    I have them still as an adult, my son has them at 9-15 months old.

    They usually grow out of them. Best not to try to wake them up...just make sure they are safe and speak softly and calmly to them. Keep them from hurting themselves.

    Usually will go back to bed with no knowledge of it in the morning.

    Its a very vivid terrifying thing for the child....blood pressure goes up and sweating etc....but its not dangerous. Just really scary.

    Keep them safe and it will pass.

    If you notice it happens the same time every night try to wake them up just before it would normally happen. Give them a drink of water, change diaper and put them back to bed. It usually disarms the cycle.

    The problem is they fall asleep too quickly and skip a sleep cycle. Probably just after they wake up and turn over in the crib, then within 20-40 minutes they  have a night terror.

  3. She is having dreams has she got older siblings she maybe fighting with them over something in her dreams Don't worry is rather normal.

  4. Bad dream

  5. Babies at this age don't know "anger" and to the poster before me...babies this age do not have night terrors....

    Sounds like gas maybe?What time is she fed at night?

    Try cuddling her and talking to her.Babies cry for the darndest reasons...

    Talk to your doctor.Maybe he can suggest some help

  6. Is there a lot of anger in your home?  Arguing?  Yelling?

  7. Sounds like what's known as "night terrors." It's a state of semi-wakefulness where the child simply screams out and appears awake, but never really wakes up. It's like the state of semi-wakefulness that causes sleepwalking.

    Nobody really knows why they happen, but they can sometimes be eased by keeping the child to a strict daily and bedtime routine, keep a close watch on the child's sugar intake during the day (especially close to bedtime,) have calming nighttime routines.

    When she is having these nighttime fits, simply talk soothingly to her. Gently call her name and caress her in the same way you would if she was upset in the daytime.

    Night terrors are upsetting and a bit scary, I know, but many small children go through them. They almost never seem top remember the episode themselves but they may appear a bit stressed in the morning.

    One thing that helped my kids when they were tiny was to play a calming CD turned low while they are going to sleep. When they got older, they would request their favorite tunes to listen to so they would have good dreams.  

    To Pinky: night terrors can start very early. Nine months is common for that.

  8. nightmare... or they call them night terrors. just try to hold her down and dont let her hurt herself. try singing to her while she is yelling..  

  9. possessed.

    or having a nightmare.

    youre pick?

  10. wow my son will do that but only if i move him from the spot he is in like if he is on our bed then i put him in our bed he will sit up and start screaming and sometimes he will i guess hump the bed or kick his leg and he falls back asleep but last night was different he screamed but didn't want ot go back to bed so my bf held him and talked to him and he just passed out i guess he wanted someone to tell him a story lol  

  11. It sounds like a possible night terror. This can happen as early as 9 months I've read. Here is a link with more info.

  12. sounds like she has colic.try tucking her legs up under her when u hold her.& try rocking her with her legs up under her. if it continues u might want to call her dr. they have medicine for that.

  13. If our 11 month old son falls asleep in our bed or on the couch with my husband and we move him to his crib he'll wake at about 4 am screaming 'mama' and 'dada' until we go get him and bring him back to bed....he'll even go as far as shaking his finger and saying 'no mama no' at me, but as soon as he's inbetween us he conks right back out...

  14. give her milk

  15. It sounds like she is having night terrors to me. If she seems like she is in a sleep type state still it could be night terrors.

    My second youngest had them as a toddler and has slowly grown out of them as he has gotten older. He used to hold his hand up when he had his and as he got older we realized he'd get pins and needles through his hand so we'd sit on the Slowly we'd wake him very gently and make him walk out to get a drink to wake him fully, then he'd settle down to sleep again.

    Of course you can't get you daughter to walk to the kitchen, never wake her suddenly but gently rub her face or hand to try and get her to wake up fully before settling her back down. As you say she doesn't want to be held, we learnt very quickly not to try and hold our son during an episode because it makes the event worse and longer. Just gently let your presence be felt by her with the gentle rubbing.

    Our son had them when he was on the verge of illness mostly,like a cold or ear infection, not always but most of the time.

    I'd take your daughter to a doctor for a general check up and talk to the doctor about it and ask about night terrors along with other sleep disorders. It is more than likely just a phase she will out grow.

    One other thought,I know she is very young but evaluate if there has been any trauma in her life recently or even moving house or something that could unsettle her.

    Have a look at the link I've pasted below.

  16. hello?!?! she's a baby...

  17. Teething?  My sons wakes up I give him a teether and he goes back to sleep within minutes.

  18. take her to see a psychiatrist for kids. She's probably just dreaming.

  19. my son did this and he had night terrors. We bought a "white noise machine" and placed it under his crib. some how that solved the problem. i would try it!

  20. bad dream, it doesn't matter is shes a baby or not it just that she has bad dream. or nightmare.

  21. Shes disappointed her parental guardians are extremely ugly.

  22. sounds like really bad painful gas. call her doc in the morning

  23. My daughter had the same thing. Dr told me they are night terrors and there isn't much you can do for it. Just try to soothe her while having them. Thats pretty much all you can do for it.

  24. bad dream, gas, just pissed off that she woke and can't get back to sleep, looking for can never tell with such a young baby....but that is kinda normal.  

  25. I would talk to your doctor to see if there is any thing else it might be.

  26. night terrors, normal at her age.

    Edit: Sorry I was on my way to the Y/A wrestling section!

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