
9 month old sick...?

by  |  earlier

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My poor little boy is having a bad time of it. hes currently got a cold and got eye drops due to conjunctivitis and hes had a bad cough. now today he seems a lot brighter but he's throwing up. he threw up his morning bottle(formula which he very rarely brings back up), kept down a tiny bit of porridge an toast but then at dinner time threw up all his bottle and a bit of rice pudding i gave him. i'm giving him cool boiled water with a smidgen of juice to keep him hydrated butI'mm worried as hes ate so little. what could i give him that wont make him sick? also if he has a temp later can i give calpol/neurofen as he hasn't eaten alot? other than that hes happy, playing as normal and doesn't have a temp so don't need any suggestions like taking him to A&E as i would if it got serious, thanks




  1. Are you crazy your asking here what is wrong with your boy TAKE HIM TO A DOCTOR  

  2. Are you in the UK??  (presumed you are re the ref to calpol/neurofen)

    Ring NHS direct and explain the symptoms and see what they have to say:  08454647

    Hope the little guy recovers soon x*x

  3. Sounds like he has a bacterial infection.  Get off the Internet and take him to the doctors.  Then stay off the Internet and keep his nose wiped and his face and hands clean.  Then stay off the Internet and, (with a doctors guidance) feed him clear liquids, juice, etc.

  4. its normal for babies to throw up when they have a cold/cough. u should give him plenty of liquids like formula and juice...dont worry if he throws it back up.  if he gets a fever give him tylenol.  if it gets worse and he keeps throwing up and cries a lot, take him to the doctor.
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