
9 week old chihuahua pup wobbling?

by  |  earlier

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I have a 9 week old chihuahua. I noticed today that she has been wobbling and hasn't been herself. She is normally very active but today she isn't. Today she only ate in the morning and hasn't wanted to eat anything else. What can this be? Any ideas?




  1. yes, it means go to the vet!  no one can diagnose over the internet and toy breeds are very susceptible to hypoglycemia.  

  2. Go To Your Vet ASAP. This can be serious. Especially with the small breeds. They can get a small virus and die from it. You need to take your dog to the vet because if you do and she's fine then atleast you checked.

    Good Luck!

  3. She may be sick or have something else wrong with her.

    Sounds like she is getting low sugar now. I would definitely get her to the vet asap.

    Please take her to see a vet.

  4. I'm not sure but you should take her to the vet to make sure she's ok..

  5. See your vet asap.

    It sounds like parvo.

  6. Vet.  Vet. vet. vet

  7. Young Chi puppy can suffer a drop in blood sugar that can be quite sudden and severe. That is why it's very important to feed them 4-5 times a day. It sounds like your puppy is suffering from low blood sugar(hypoglycemia}. Take some honey or molasses or sugar,on your finger tip and rub it gently into the pups gums. Get it to eat by offering things like cooked hamburger or chicken without the skin. If that doesn't work buy some meat jarred baby food and try to get puppy to l**k it off your fingertips. Talk to your vet and the puppies breeder about hypoclcemia in very young Chihuahua pups.

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