I have a lab cross pup approx 9 weeks old. She is on 4 smallish meals a day (pedigree puppy dried complete food) at roughly 7.30am, midday, 5pm and 8pm. I am trying to cut a meal out to get her down to 3 meals a day and eventually 2 meals when she is older, like our other dogs.
Is this too soon at 9 weeks to drop a meal? I would increae the other meals accordingly so she still has as much food. Also I tried reducing the 8pm feed but she seemed ravenous still. Would I be better going with a bigger breakfast and getting her to last till say 4pm, missing the lunchtime feed out?
I have had a young puppy before, but that was 3 years ago and it sort of happened naturally getting down to to 2 meals a day, I forgot what I did !! Thanks for any help.