
9 weeks & 5 days pregnant!!?

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and i still cant hear the baby's heartbeat on the doppler thing, but the doppler is kinda old so I'm not really worried about that & i know the baby is probably to small for that anyways. But how is everybody's pregnancy's going?? I still don't really have any systems, just tired alot, hungry, my b***s are bigger [yay] lol but they are really tinder, i have to pee every hour, & last night i had heartburn for the first time ever. with my daughter i had no systems at all, & with her i didn't start showing till i was 6 months & my tummy's already poking out. only 3 weeks & 3 days till my first obgyn appointment i cant wait!! i'll get to hear my baby's heartbeat & have my first ultrasound, I'm so excited. Anybody else due in march??




  1. The doctor couldn't pick up my baby's heart beat until 10 weeks, and with some people they can't pick it up until 12 weeks, so hang in there.  

  2. Hey hunnie! Maybe March babies are easy? Im due March 5 and my pregnancy is going swell! Not sick or anything. Tired, eat more, pee every 2 hours! and b***s are slightly tender. Don't worry about not being able to hear it. I bought a new doppler and was able to hear my babys heartbeat at 9 weeks and on. But the older one I have we couldnt find it on! Good luck!!  

  3. Are you going to the doctor and is she/he useing something to listen for the heart beat? those ones from the stores sucks and is a waste of money. at the doctors you can ussually start hearing it 10 weeks into pregnancy, sometimes it doesn't happen until a week or so more but I'm sure if the doctor can't locate a heart beat he/she will order an ultrasound to see if the heart is beating.  

  4. You could just be having a boy.  

  5. my fiance and i arent due until dec. i am 40... she is 35...  this our first kiddo... i can tell you from a man's point of view, or atleast Mine... that i am  happy, nervous, filled with anticipation of the future, and scared all at the same time...  i think the most memorable thing that i have witnessed, was seeing her heartbeat... and that right at 5 months..

    my fiance, bless her soul is a trooper... she has given up just about everything she likes as far as food and beverage to ensure a healthy kiddo...  i love much..    i wish you the best!!!!

  6. I'm due in OCt with #3... not march, SRY... But congrats on the new bundle... I am still excited, even with kid #3.... Babies are so wonderful...

    BTW the doplars arent very reliable, even the ones you buy in the store are hit or miss, this would all depend on your body type(fat skinny), and how the baby is laying...

    I wish you well on a smoothe uncomplicated pregnancy and delivery!

    Have ANy Q's I am on Yahoo IM most of the time dya or ngiht, Darkgothvamptress

  7. I am 8 weeks and due in March. I've had a doctor appt. but that was just to confirm the pregnancy and get restrictions at work. I will go for my first exam in about 3 weeks and a few days after that I will go for my ultrasound. This is my 4th baby but I'm so excited about it like if it was my first. Congratulations to you and I hope everything goes well with you and your family. I'm excited for you as well. Best wishes!!!

  8. Your daughter was probably positioned differently, so she did not turn and show for a while.

    Good Luck :D

  9. First let me congratulate you on your pregnancy! My pregnancy has been good so far, my symptoms have been lightening up bunches over the past few weeks to where they are now almost non existant. Although, I am still peeing billions of times through out the days and nights, but I don't expect that part to go away anytime soon lol. I'm 13 weeks along and due March 2nd. This is my 3rd baby and my tummy just started to pop out a bit. I haven't heard my baby's heartbeat yet either but I go to the dotor in about 3 weeks so I will get to hear it then. Congrats to you and best wishes!  

  10. My pregnancy is going great, Ive loved every minute of it. Although I could live without the peeing every 15 minutes. Im due September 6th, cant wait!

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