
9 weeks and crazy mood swings!?

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I am 9 weeks and 2 days and I am such a witch! I recognize I am having mood swings but can't seem to snap myself out of it. Any advice??? Please!!!




  1. i have to just relax because i get that way too i just sit down and think of how ridiculous i am acting then i usually change my attitude..

  2. dont worry its totally normal i was worst than a witch i was a monster i really was i felt possesed then i got over it and now i feel silly for the way i acted its ok you will get better its hard your pregnant

  3. Lol I feel you I'm 8wks and 5days and my hubby stays at least 10ft  from me. But I would try a"quite time" just for you like a relaxing bath or even early window shopping for the baby to get ideas! Good Luck!

  4. its so hard to snap out of it because its hormones flooding our brains and making us crazy. its good you can recognize it because that will make them more tolerable. just try to explain to your hunny what is happening and you really cant control it but you'll try. and when you "sober up" again be sure to apologize.

    unfortunately you may get these mood swings throughout the whole pregnancy. i did and had an "episode" about once a week. i was able to figure out when they were coming and warn my hunny beforehand. he was really good about ignoring them, even though i was horrible to him, and giving me a hug when i asked for one.

    just remember you wont be like this forever, it will go away shortly after baby comes out. in the mean time you'll drive everyone crazy on certain days.

  5. maybe you're getting stressed. try to meditate, walk, do some relaxation exercises not really anything you can take. or if you think you're getting over anxious, find a hobby or something new to occupy yourself with.

    lol it's an excuse to go get a massage once or twice a week :o)

  6. I know what you mean. I'm 6 1/2 months and have been having crazy mood swings throughout my pregnancy, especially in my first trimester. I don't think all of it was hormones because I'm usually pretty emotional and dramatic anyway, but sometimes after a mood swing, I'd be like, "Whoa..geez, I was acting really crazy" lol. I would just let everyone know that you're having mood swings and you don't mean anything by it, it's nothing personal. It is probably a little frustrating when others have to deal with our mood swings, but we really can't help it, so just tell them that. I'm towards the end of my second trimester now and I still get frustrated and upset I guess over nothing sometimes, but I feel much better than when I was in my first trimester. Hopefully the moodiness will pass soon and you'll be back to feeling like yourself soon! Good luck with your pregnancy! :)

  7. Take a high quality prenatal vitamin and mineral. A cup a day of red raspberry leaf tea will also help smooth out mood swings. You can also increase the amount of protein you are eating. When you snack, snack on protein. Mood swings are normal for pregnancy and are usually unexpected as you feel you should be happy now. This will change as your pregnancy hormones shift and change throughout pregnancy. Most pregnancy symptoms, like this one, are temporary in nature. Make sure you keep your sense of humor about it all. Best wishes, G

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