
9 weeks old baby low milk supp tried everything please help!!!!!?

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i have never breastfeed exclusivly we were tld to supplement from time she was born (hopsital nurses) :( bad idea but i didn't know. Well now i cant get more than three ozs pumping and the baby never seems to get full from nusing we can nurse for an hour and she still is not pull she latches on good and has a good suck but i feel like i can not satisfy her. it makes me cry b/c i want so badly for her to get full from me and not a bottle i would also like to be able to pump and actually get some milk. i ahve gone back to work and it take 11/2 days to fill one 6 ozs bottle she nurses in the morning and at night once or twice but i always have to giver her a bottle. I have tried mothers milk ferugreek, beer, nursing vactation, is it to late to produce more milk. i am in tears just typing this i just want more milk.....




  1. (((HUGS)))  It is not too late to produce more milk!  How often are you pumping while you're away from her?  Ideally, you should pump every 2-3 hours for 20 minutes at a time, even if you don't get much.  Do you have a hospital grade automatic pump like a Medela or Ameda?  If you don't, you should try to get a hold of one.  They're a little pricey, but they're the best.  No pump is as good as your little one, but these are the best pumps out there.  

    Nurse her as often as possible when you're together.  If she's not asking often enough, offer it to her.  If you have to give her a bottle, get a supplemental feeding system like in the first link I posted that will have her actually on the breast when she's nursing from it.  Have you seen a lactation consultant yet?  If not, please look one up.  She can help you with ways to boost your supply.  She can also find out more accurately how much milk your baby is getting from you by weighing her before and after a nursing session.

    If you can co-sleep with her, that would help, too, since you'd be able to nurse her more often and more easily during the night.  You can get a co-sleeper that is like a crib with a rail that lowers all the way to the floor so she can be right next to you, but you won't have to worry about her being in the same bed as you.  See the second link for an example.

    Also, please go to the third link I listed below, it's a message board with lactation consultants and experienced mom's who will be more than willing to help you as much as they can with this.  

    Good luck!  And remember, you can do this!

  2. I feel for you!  I was in the same position w/ my first.  She was born a little early, so she didn't suck well & i didn't know & i started pumping too late.  well, she had to have half breast & half milk & I pumped for 4 1/2 months!  I also tried fenugreek & that helped for a little while.  

    My lactation nurse told me to tilt the bottle a little (so milk doesn't come out so fast) & to try Dr. Brown brand nipples b/c they are slower than the others & when you tilt & use tighter nipples, it's more similar to breastfeeding.  

    Also, it's hard, but try not to stress as that makes it worse.  Just know that at least you tried, which is better than nothing.  They got your antibodies at least, so that's good.  

    With my second, he sucked well & my milk came out right away (I supplemented a little just in case in the first 2 wks.) and i've been nursing for 2 yrs. now!  Actually, now he needs to be weaned.  Good luck & don't give up!  You are doing an awesome job!

  3. My situation is so similar to yours.  I take fenugreek, eat oatmeal, etc.  I make enough to keep him satisfied when I'm with him, but I can not seem to pump enough while I'm at work.  He get's some breastmilk and some formula while I'm gone.  It makes me a little sad too, but I just think that I'm do the very best that I can for my son and some breastmilk is better than none.

  4. this is actually a medical question which i highly suggest  you seek medical advice. if your ob//gyn cant help ask for 2nd/3rd opinions. from pediatrician, endocrinologist, etc... trust there is a physician who can help. better yet ask this question on webmd... where qualified physicians answer questions. best wishes  

  5. I would do a nursing trainer.

    This will feed your baby formula while stimulating milk supply. I know alot of moms who breastfeed exclusively and cant pump anything. If you have medical insurance you can rent a hosspital grade pump that is way more intense than most regular pumps mean more milk per pumping. I would advise you to consult the la leche league they can tell you what you need! Hope it helps and good luck!

  6. Drink plenty of water.  Eat a good diet.  Do the best you can and give the baby a bottle when she needs it.  I am sorry this has become so difficult for you, but your baby is healthy right?  

    Don't beat yourself up because things aren't perfect.  Just do the best you can. The baby has had the colostrum and gotten the immunity she needs to have from you.  

    If you are working and stressed out, of course your body will have problems producing.  Be happy with yourself and your baby.  You are very lucky!  Don't let your worries over take your happiness.  Make sure you get enough B vitamins to help you through the post birth time and also some fish oil to prevent depression.

  7. Okay, first off, when my baby girl was 6 weeks I went through the SAME thing/feelings that you are now. I tried pumping and I didn't get even get an OUNCE! All she wanted to do was nurse and I thought it was because she was still hungry. When I went to her Dr.'s visits he said she was growing and developing just fine (with weight/height etc.. ) and as long as she was having around 4 "messy" diapers and 4 wet diapers then she was getting what her body needed.  I figured out later it was more or less just a security issue and she just felt comforted when she nursed. (she's 6 months old by the way now and doing great, I am still breastfeeding. ) If you still feel uneased then I would recommend something called "Brewer's Yeast". You can get it at Wal-mart. It's just a supplement that is proven to increase your breastmilk. Good Luck though! I hope this helps you. :)

  8. maybe instead of pumping try getting your partner to suck on your b***s coz the suction you get from a pump is not the same  

  9. Honey, the first thing to do is relax.

    Don't stress it is the worse thing to do for a good milk supply. I was exactly in the same place as you. I had a nurse that loved to comp, a big baby and not much milk. I was prescribed some tablets that helped with the supply of milk so perhaps you should be seeing your doctor and they could help you in that way too. Is there a reason why you are pumping as the best way to build up supply is to have baby suckle on you....and I don't mean for an hour at a time...just the norm 10-15 mins each side. Best time to comp is in the evening when you are tired.

    Check out this website:

    I hope it may help you. Please never feel you are alone. :)

  10. Nurse her as much as you can.  The only way to increase your milk is to nurse the baby as often as you can.

    It will be ok.    Even if you have to go to formula, you did the best you could.  Not being able to breastfeed does not make you a poor mother.  Love your daughter, and try not to stress too much.  

  11. try pumping every 30 minutes for 2 weeks it will help stimulate the milk.  I know with me I tried everything and had to give up and do formula with both my kids.  I hated doing that.  But it worked.  Any kind of Alcohal is bad because it dry's you up.  same with pain killers or medication.

  12. if u want to increase ur supply u should try an electric pump that pumps both b*****s at the same time, u can rent one probably from your hospital

    i also found these help or if u dont bake these

    in the first few weeks i was also taking a fennel tincture from my naturopath which is meant to increase supply, i dont know if it helped, might have just been a mental thing

    i fully bf my son and the rare occassion that i do express it takes me about 3 or 4 goes to get a bottle, but if my son lets go during letdown milk sprays everywhere, i.e the pump is nowhere near as good

    good luck with it, it sounds like you have the determination to be successful  ;)

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