im at the end of 9 weeks. last saturday i went to the bathroom and when i wiped there was brown discharge and a small clot of red. i wiped a few more times and no more red, just brown discharge. i called the doc on monday, the nurse said it was normal, just to stay hydrated, cuz i had no cramping. so wednesday thursday and today i have had constant cramping throughout the day and night, sometimes waking me up. no blood though, no unusual discharge either. i have been cramping up till now but not as constant. it seems like its on a schedule now. lol. is this normal? i have my first prenatal appt tuesday so unless something drastic happens im gonna wait till then to tell my doc, i just wanted some opinions from my fellow preggers lol.....
also, is it strange to just now start getting morning sickness? my doc gave me a whole bunch of prenatal samples and this week ive been getting sick and throwing up from them, but been taking diff ones since six weeks preggers and no throwing up, just nauseau....
Thanks for everyones answers