
9 weeks pregnant and just fell???

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I am 9w 3d pregnant and was walking very swiftly through my house to get to the bathroom and must have lost my footing. My ankle went sideways and I fell on my sideand caught myself on my arm. Well, that was about 10 minutes ago and my foot is still burning and I have this horrible pain in my shoulder under my shoulder balde. It's like a pulling burning sensation when I try to sit up straight with good posture. Does this warrant a trip to the ER or do you think the baby and I will be okay? Could the pain ion kmy shoulder bladde even be treated with me being pregnant? I don't know if I shoulod go in. Gas is so high and the hospital is 45 minutes away.




  1. Hi hun I think you will be fine,maybe just pulled the ligament.But if you are unsure ring your midwife.Aslong as you didn't fall on your stomac you should be fine.x

  2. you are only 9 weeks your baby is very small like the size of a piece of rice so i think if you didn't fall on your belly you should be fine but if you are hurting elsewhere  and you think you sprained or broke something maybe you should go to the dr.

  3. Yes, I would or find someone to give you a ride. It's worth it!  Did you hear about the woman who sky dived unaware that she was pregnant, lost her shoot and gave birth months later? I guess you'll know if you miscarried if you bleed a lot but maybe it will be alright.  

  4. By now you might have a dr. office already , usually they have emergency lines over the weekend and they might be able to instruct you better. In the meantime I would try to get some local heat lotions, they are sold over the counter and it is just to massage and relax the muscles, that won't harm the baby and you might heart for couple days anyway, but a little bit less. If you notice some spotting, cramps or pain that is not just positional , don't hessitate to go to the ER, because that might mean something else about the baby.

    Rest and take care of your self.

  5. Maybe, depends on how much pain your in... X rays aren't safe right now. If you can, prop your ankle up and put some ice on it, u can safely take Tylenol. See if this helps, and how your walking is affected in an hour or so before u rush to the ER. If you feel worse then yes u should get checked out. Good luck to you...


  6. As long as you are not cramping or bleeding, you should be fine.  Your baby is very protected in your belly.  I also fell around 8 weeks, I was walking down an embankment in snow, and I slipped and fell right on my butt.  And my daughter was born happy and healthy,

  7. id go to the doc. just in case.

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