My daughter just said "Mom look at this...". Her top gums have a black line across her gum line. She also has a bad cavity on top (the tooth is turning black and cracked). On her bottom gums, they seems to be a space inbetween her gums and teeth. There is also a thin black line across some of them, but not like up top. Up top it is a thick line. I am wondering what this is? I am going to call the dentist on Monday, but have never seen anything like this and am just curious. She has seen a dentist routinely, but I just switched dentists and realized that it has been about a year since her last visit. She has had problems with her teeth since they came in (absesses, teeth pulled, caps, crowns, spacers etc.). What is with the black lines? She said that they do not hurt, but also said that it hurts when she brushes if the brush touches her gums. She is good about brushing and brushes twice a day (in the morning and at night) usually.