
9 year old afraid of Thunderstorms?

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Not only is she afraid of storms but she is afraid of just rain, and wind even when it is sunny. This has gotten to the point that she will spend 95% of her time in the closet these days now that spring has arived. She is fine with it but it's driving me CRAZY....she will make herself sick to the point she has diareah and will throw up.....any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Oh and nothing has ever happend to her to cause the fear.




  1. You could start with just talking to her about her fear.  What is it exactly that bothers her.  Then tell her that there is nothing to be afraid of.  Let her know that the wind, rain, thunder can't get her.  Let her know that these are parts of God's wonders and that they are natures beauty.  Also, show her photos of these kinds of storms.  Show her cartoon type storms also, and show her that they can be friendly.  During a storm, hold her.  Talk to her the entire time.  Let her know that everything will be okay.  Over time, she will get better.  If it doesn't get better, maybe take her to a therapist of some kind.  You are going to just reassure her the entire time that things will be okay.  It's going to be a long trial, but she will grow out of it.  Just be supportive.  Good luck

  2. you need to get her started on some medication to help her calm then she can see how fun it is outside and then eventualy be taken off the meds. you may also want to get her check for being skitsofrentic

  3. I am 26 years old and thunderstorms still freak me out!  I dont spend anytime in my closet or get sick but i cant sleep if its stormy outside.  Maybe you should stay in her room with her for a few nights just to show her that nothings going to happen to her if she sleeps in her bed.  You could even play music in her room (softly) to help drown out the sound of the wind/rain and help soothe and calm her.  You might even get her drapes for her bedroom window to muffle the sound.  Im sure she has seen the effects of tornadoes on tv (news) and she is scared of that happening to her.  Just be patient and comforting, she will grow out of it.

  4. I can understand a fear of thunderstorms, but fear of a little rain and wind is quite unusual, and so is her severe reaction to these things.  It sounds to me like she would benefit from a little counseling here.

  5. i was afraid of thunder storms when i was9.

    by the way I'm Nikki.h to except my real name is Nakiya.

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