
9 year old and memmory?

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Last night I was asking my 9 year old step son who went out with his mum what he had for dinner?? he said he forgot what he had.. I was kind of surprised and he took lots of time to recall the dinner he had just few hours back, then said he had very delicious Mexican soup..usually we don't forget the things that are delicious right ??

I am noticing he has memory problem, sometimes he comes n ask something by the time he ask he says I forgot what it is.. he use his forgetfulness as excuse to cover his mistakes.. his favorite word is - I FORGOT...

He is already in counseling.. pls give me suggestions to improve his memory power.. i don't this to become his weak point..

Thanks in advance..




  1. It sounds like he has a bit of a time with his short-term memory. Try this game.........

    Say 10 random, house, tree, etc...... (Don't forget to write them down so you do not forget lol) Ask him to repeat them back to you. After about 10 minutes, repeat the same words and ask him to repeat them again. You will notice that each time he will remember a few more words and in a shorter amount of time. Repeat until he get all 10 words.

    Play "memory" games.......actually any board game will help. Scrabble is great as well.  Also, if he is right handed, have him use his left hand to brush his teeth, drink, brush his hair, throw a ball. Get both sides of his brain "working". This is also a great thing to get him used to before he goes to school.

    Whatever you do, don't give up. His memory will improve with time. Good luck. You are a great step-mom!!

  2. I just want to say that the person "Zaza" has the BEST answer-- go with that. She knows what she is talking about!

    Memory games are the best bet

  3. Does he have a healthy diet and plenty of sleep?  He should have 10-11 hours a night.  Also natural fats play a part in mental development.  Junk food fat BAD but natural fats like found in milk and olive oil are essential for young brains.  All that aside kids tend to say "I don't know" out of habit.  My kids did that and it drove me crazy!  If that's it - it will pass in time.

  4. My english teacher always told me that when trying to learn soemthing write in red pen and eat blueberries. Red pen etches the writing in your brain. My dad tells me that when you're trying to learn something say it outloud,write it, and read it. That way you are using your hearing,motion and sight to remember. And all of that has worked.

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