
9 year old boy in college?

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how about that 9 year old in college i think it would be awsome but what would you do after college get a job. what do you think about that its on yahoos home page




  1. Wish him well.That's amazing.I'm 32 only went up to 7th grade.Guess I should go throw myself through a brick wall.

  2. Geniuses have the same problem that mentally handicapped people do. They are living in a world that is not designed for them. IAcedemics are only one part of a persons development.

    I only hope this kid has the resources to cope with advanced learning environment. But then again, judging from how some college guys act, he may fit right in!

  3. The comment about "College is so easy" well hello, its the first day, you don't actually do any work! Granted the kid is a genius, but it's obviously going to get harder.

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