
9 year old daughter sleeping in fathers bed

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  1. I used to have my 10 year old daughter overnight Saturdays into Sunday for a day out together. I had a furnished room one bed. I wore PJs so thought nothing of it. One night the TV was left on and I felt something sexual in my sleep. I think it may have caused a s*x dream but cant recall it. I woke up to find her feeling my erection. IM sire she didn't take it out. It slipped out on its own. I didn't want to horrify her by scolding her, so I said "sweetie". She stopped right away pulling her hand away. I backed out of saying anything except cant you sleep baby? Then she told me I woke her up by pressing my p***s against her backside. I said I was sorry. I was on my back when I woke up so it must have been that I rolled off my side before she began feeling it. Maybe in my dream I was doing that. I got her a sleeping bag by the following weekend. She is 12 now and nothing since. IM glad I didn't make her feel embarrassed by making huge issue out of girlhood curiosity.
    Joe B

  2. I think its interesting, that I was just reading the same question about a mom sleeping with her 9 year son. Nobody had a problem with that. Why the difference? Has the dad ever been accused of inappropriate touching? Seems like a double standard. Something to think about.... on the other hand men do have nocturnal erections, that they can't control, in their sleep....something to think about..

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