
9 year old girl?

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I'm watching my 9 yr old niece for 2 wks this summer. I have a few things planned I wanted a few more ideas.

I'm planning lunches that she can help make, pita sandwiches, pizzas, tea sandwiches (cookie cutter sandwiches)

I have a few baking projects

We're doing Schlitterbahn one day,

Going to the mall and window shopping

A day of taking silly pictures, dressing up etc

Doing our own mani pedis

make overs

I need some specific craft ideas, as well as what kind of make over you can do for a 9 yr old (age appropriate)

And some movies that a 9 year old would enjoy.

Would todays 9 yr olds like Shirley Temple movies?

What else can we do?

I have her 10 days total (m-f 2 weeks) from 8 to 6

Thanks everyone!!




  1. she might like that one high school musical movie i know a lot of little girls who like it oh n hanna montana

  2. You could also have a lemonade stand or something because it sounds like you are spending a lot of money and at that age everyone wants to have a lemonade stand. tell her u will split the money.

  3. for Crafts you could try to make your own hats, or decorate a sign or something. And movies? High School Musical, anything really Disney related.


  4. The mani pedi thing is great, I did this with my cousins 8 year old daughter and we had a blast.

    I set up the table just like a pro with the little dish to soak one hand, etc.  It was very pampering.  We had fun.

    Afterwards we made snacks; crackers with all kinds of toppings.  Another good snack is you dice up ham or pepperoni, grate cheese, a veggie if you want, and you take Pillsbury crescent rolls and lay them flat in a circle; put the toppings on and fold each point to the center and bake it for 20 minutes.  Easy and delicious, plus you pick what you want to put in.

    Crafts: I have bought fleece scraps at the fabric store because they're really cheap and you can cut them without having to sew the edges.  We made dresses and vests except that was for my tiny dog or a doll - she might be a little old for that.  

    You could try that decoupage paste.  You take tissue paper (colored) or magazine pics and paste them onto a lightswitch cover (cheap at any hardware store) - you can layer colors, add stickers, then put several coats of paste on.  This is fun, creative and useful!

    All of your ideas so far are really good.

    As for Shirley Temple - I'm not sure she'd like that - depending on her maturity level - Disney movies or some of the Lindsay Lohan or Hillary Duff movies are still popular.

    Have fun!

  5. Woah. Sounds like you have a lot planned already.

    I wouldn't overload it. If you do try to fit all these things in a short period of time, by the 9th day, you'll be pooped.

    I think a 9 year old would like Shirley Temple movies...she might get distracted/bored by the end though.

    One more thing you can do tho, is go to Libby Lu ( They have TONS of cute stuff for little girls. you can even make your own lotion or body spray!

    Have fun with your niece!

  6. shirley temple movies? up?...uh not really...Schlitterbahn? what? um dont plan that kind of and my friends at age 9 wouldnt want to do any of those things....let HER decide!!

  7. Well as far as crafts go, go to a Walmart, Target, or Hobby store and buy a craft kit, you can make friendship bracelets and other things if you go to any craft store you will know what I am talking about. Or buy some fun beads and use fishing line and make braslets and jewelry

    As far as makeovers maybe curl, crimp, or straighten her hair or even do some fun braids or pigtails as far as makeup us lip gloss or what YOU and her MOM think is approite


    Lady and the tramp, Wizard of OZ, classic disney

    or Narnia Movies*(1 is on the big screen), Kun Fu Panda*, Wall-E*, Bee Movie, the new American girl movie Kit it is supposed to be really good and comes out July 2*! take her to movie gallery and let her pick out some!

    *=in theaters

    Shirley Temple i think so

    Go for walks at the park, buy her a Webkinz maybe kids love them! Go swimming be creative!

    Here is the Webkinz site if u r intrested:

    Have Fun :)

  8. wel go somewhere far away!

  9. If she's a really girly girl and likes to dress up and primp, make a face mask for her, and jus some light lipstick and eyeshadow and blush.  french braid her hair or curl it with curling iron.  You could do water painting.  You could also jus do something as simple as going in the back yard and playing or going on a walk to the nearest store or go on a walk to the park for a picnic.

  10. You could always just ask her or her mother what she likes to do.  You don't have to keep a child entertained every single second.  Take her to the park, maybe swimming.  Go out for a walk and get an ice cream.  The movies is a good idea.

  11. go to blockbusters & go into the kid section, she can most def find some movies there.

    they should have some ideas on fun stuff for you guys to do

  12. umm i dont think she would like sherly temple. but i love all of your ideas...but make sure ur not to planny.. like ok now will do this then this ect. sorta play by ear...and let her go to a friends house sometime too. =]

  13. o0o0o0 gosh!

    first of all your the best aunt ever! lol!

    and I found this great website full of crafts and other fun activites!

    this one of my favorite web sites!

    Good luck hon!

  14. Craft ideas-

    Make over-You can dress her like Hannah Montana

    Movies-Shirley Temple movies are perfect!

    You guys can bake cookies too.

  15. my brothers are 8 and 10 and they love the movie the benchwarmers. its pretty funny too.

  16. Some good movies would be like "The Little Princess", "Air Bud", "Home Alone" (any one of them), chic-flix are always great when you're babysitting a younger girl, they're really into romance. And movies that have teen romance are great. They seem to really be interested in them. Other things to do could be to take a short road trip. Also, try teaching her how to do her own hair. Making jewelry is always fun, too. Bring some beads and string, and have her make presents for her mom, or just make jewelry for herself. You can teach her to do other things, too, like to croche or braid hemp. Maybe knitting, even. Teach her to sew, and make things with her using the skills, like pillows, blankets, etc. Talk about your life with her, your romance stories (make them G-Rated, of course), and she'll love you. Also, try asking her what SHE wants to do. You never know, 9-year-olds can come up with some pretty imaginative things! Good luck!

  17. So far what you have planned sounds super fun for a 9 yr old.

    You could make your own books, buy some plain mugs to paint, make friendship bracelets. Teach her how to sew/cross-stitch/crochet, buy those fuzzy posters to color.

  18. A 9 yr old girl. Depends how mature she is. I would suggest some bike riding and some nice sporty / in the park activities. And as for films she would probably like watching some of these recent animated / pixar stuff. e.g. Shark tale, Finding Nemo, Mulan, Pocohontis, 101 Dalmations etc. and maybe some old films like Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and Sound of music where you can sing along. Does she like dolls. hope this helps!!!

  19. card games a 9-yr old might enjoy are Go Fish,Uno

    making earrings are fun crafts that are easy enough for a 9 yr old.

    most 9 year olds like any movie with Hannah Montana in them.

  20. The way it looks you are going to spend more money than make money.  Why don't you just get some movies to watch all day and then eat hot dogs or ramen noodles, and go to the park.

  21. You didn't say where you are.  (Aha!   A clue:  Schlitterbahn presumably puts you in Texas).  If you live in the suburbs of a big city, take at least a day trip into the city.   If you can take some different transportation than usual (e.g. if you usually get places by driving, but can get to the city by bus or train), take the different mode of transportation.   Bopping around your local city like a tourist need not be expensive and can be a ton of fun.   Window shopping not in a mall, perhaps a museum visit, perhaps food from a street vendor, attend a baseball game?

    Closer to home, a trip to the library can be fun.   Our local library has computers with games and the hard part may be getting the kid to notice that hey, they have books too.   Depends on the kid's interests.

    If you have an active dog, leave time for the kid and the dog to play with each other.   We've had young guests who started out scared of my very small dog.    I didn't push, but, given time, the dog made a friend of them and after a while they learned that playing with a dog can be fun.

    One key thing is to find out in advance about any allergies or dietary restrictions.   The rule with one of my granddaughters is "absolutely no tomato products" (No ketchup, no pizza, no tomato sauce...).   Rules like that can take some getting used to but may be important.

  22. 9 year olds like crafts such as sun catchers and designing T-shirts with fabric markers or paints.  With makeovers, do simple things like hair and nails and other things.  Some movies  

    a nine year old might like are Enchanted, High School Musical (1 and 2), Alvin and the Chipmunks, Annie, The Game Plan, and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  Nine year olds might like like Shirley Temple, but I'd stick to newer movies.  She might also like playing sports, singing songs with you, going to the movies, etc.  Have fun!  : ]

  23. visit a craft store with her and choose some kits. Same with the movies. go to a dvd store and hire some as well as showing the older movies. You never can tell what they will like. My 9 year old girl loves 7 brides for 7 brothers. Take her to a park or bike riding, rollerskating, ice skating, the museum, pool, boardgames, card games and also realise you don't have to entertain her every second. She can do stuff by herself too

  24. Beauty and the beast is my fave, sounds like you've got some good things planed help her see her beautiful heart and adventure is always nice too a scavenger hunt is fun for girls if you let her find jewelry and let the big prize be a nice dinner out just the girls

  25. NOBODY likes Shirley Temple movies.

    If you want a good movie, watch the Princess Bride. It's such a good movie that it should be mandatory viewing for all children before entering junior high.
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