
9 year old girls talks inappropriately, what should I do?

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I have a 12 year old daughter and my husband has a 9 year old grand-daughter. They like to play together but the 9 year old frequently says alot of inappropriate things which are SEXUALLY based. I have already tried talking to my husband about it, and he tries to correct her but she keeps reverting back to the same behavior. Her mother seems clueless about what to do. Everyone claims this child has not been sexually abused.... I just don't know...


* The dog had some "sleep" collected on its eye and she called it "smegma".

* She "mishears" what we said and asks us if we said "p***s"

* She dances inappropriately

* If we ask for the boys and girls to play together, she says "that does not sound right"

The list can go on and on, this is just what happened yesterday. I'm tempted to just send her home and stop allowing her to come over. I'm afraid of the influence she might have over my 12 year old.




  1. Wow, when I was nine i I didn't even thing twice about any of that stuff. She is learning it from somebody and you need to find out the source and put a stop to it.

  2. its normal. Your 12 year old probably says it to but just not in front of you. trust me.

  3. Really - I'd sit your 12 yr old down and have a talk. Explain hwo you are uncomfortable with the way the 9yr old talks and you do not find it appropriate and do not want her picking up on it and acting the same way.........She's 12 - the maturity level should be higher...........I'd keep an eye on them - seems about all you can do.......... have a 12 yr old daughter..............your hubby has a 9yr old GRAND DAUGHTER? say the least

  4. I'd be concerned if my 9 year old knevv that kind of stuff and thought like that. Sounds like someone is teaching her this bad stuff or she is being abused. I'd check into it, I didnt even knovv vvhat a p***s vvas at 9! LOL

  5. To me it sounds like she is testing her limits and trying to get a reaction from you. Also, there is probally someone in her life that talks openly like that around her and she may not even really know that she shouldn't talk like that if someone older talks like that around her! But don't not let her come over, she just needs to be disciplined and taught that when she is in your home she does not use inappropriate language. Besides, your daughter probally knows all those words, and is not being taught them from her (unless she is home schooled!)

  6. is she exposed to tv with that kind of stuff on it?and you said she's just now saying things like that....i would sit her down and treat her like an adult,seeming that she wants to talk to everyone around her like that,sit her down and litterely talk to her about her inappropriate behavior and if she doesn't want to change her behavior she's not going to be aloud to come over and play with the other kids.ask her about her feelings on that too.

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