
9 year old hates my guts?

by  |  earlier

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Recently in my karate class, I was testing the students for their next rank this was my first time doing this, i am 16 by the way. I am some what friends w/ some of the little girls in the class. One girl who is 9 thought that just because we were friends she would automaticaly pass. Well I had to fail her she had no clue about what she was suposed to do. I let her repeat things 3 times but she could not do the technique realy anywhere near what it was suposed to be, she was the only one who failed, the rest had almost perfect tests. Though it wasn't just my oppinion also the teacher had the final verdict and she agreed w/ me. I explained that to her but now she hates me, I even offered to give her private lessons so she could pass on the next exam. 1 week later she was still really upset so I bought her a gatorade, she dumped it in my bag, ruining my uniform. The teacher handled that one. will she forgive me in time, how can i repair my relationship w/ her?




  1. It's her problem and you're making it yours. The only relationship she wants with you is making you feel guilty because you didn't "automatically pass" her.

    I know you don't want her to hate you, but she will continue to bully you until she gets what she wants, makes your life so miserable you quit, or she gets bored with playing with your kindness.

    Her tantrum has already escalated into the destruction of your property. Plus, you can't repair a relationship with someone who is unwilling to work with you.

    Your boss agrees with you, and you know you did the right thing. Are you going to let a 9-year old's glares and anger overrule the truth? Your truth?

    Meet with her parents (with the teacher there), and try to find some resolution because you can't control that's child's feelings and anger.

    Good luck!

  2. I think it is a good that you are a mentor at 16yrs of age. First of all you have to remember she is young and probably wants the attention. I would have a talk w/her mother and ask if you could set up a meeting w/her and her child, this will enforce that you and her mother are on the same side and that her behavior is unacceptable. Apologize to the child that she may feel this way, but you have a job to do and that is to make her better and what she wants to accomplish. If after the meeting she continues to act in this way ignore it b/c it will only make things worse if you continue to try to give her things to make things better, b/c then she will feel that she has you right where she wants you. Eventually she will get over it, and start participating again.

  3. She's 9yrs old.

    this is only a phase of being left out.

    She doesn't really hate you.

    She might also be looking for attention.

    Bring her barbie dolls and pay extra attention to her.

  4. just ignore that littl brat lol jk

  5. You and the teacher talk to her parent(s).

    Let them know she has an attitude problem and if she doesn't straighten it out, she can take her classes elsewhere.They may be PAYING for her classes, but neither of you are getting paid to put up with her belligerent attitude and destructive childish behavior.

  6. Her parents have failed to teach her that a person has to work for what they want and nothing comes for free just because you want it.  You have shown her this for the first time and it is a hard lesson for her to learn at this age.  Be patient with her and do not get discouraged by her reaction.  Keep trying to ensure to her that with hard work comes rewards.  You may eventually get through to her but it will be hard as it sounds like her parents coddle her too much at this point.  This will take a lot of time to accomplish but be patient and be firm.

  7. ignore the mean looks but be there for her, it sounds like she wants to get her way and you did the wright thing by giving her what she deserves not what she wants,her pouring the juice in your bag was her trying to hurt you back don't let her see pain, but show her love,talk to the parents feel it all out she may be inbarresed of failier but she also might be scare of being beat for failing so find out as much as you can.


    think it is a good that you are a mentor at 16yrs of age. First of all you have to remember she is young and probably wants the attention. I would have a talk w/her mother and ask if you could set up a meeting w/her and her child, this will enforce that you and her mother are on the same side and that her behavior is unacceptable. Apologize to the child that she may feel this way, but you have a job to do and that is to make her better and what she wants to accomplish. If after the meeting she continues to act in this way ignore it b/c it will only make things worse if you continue to try to give her things to make things better, b/c then she will feel that she has you right where she wants you. Eventually she will get over it, and start participating again. Try to  be really nice to her

    she will probably forgive you after a while if you are very nice to her

    just keep complimenting her moves

  9. lolz

  10. It sounds like you have handled the situation the best way possible.  Now you should just leave her alone and let her get over it.  I am sure she was very embarrassed to be the only one who did bad and is just using you to take it out on someone.

    I don't think when I was 16 I would have been so concerned with what a 9 year old thought of me.

  11. She's a punk.

    Forget her.

    You don't need a friend like that unless you are desperate.

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