
9 year old watching p**n on the internet?

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i have a 9 year old stepdaughter, this is the second time i caught her watching hardcore p**n on the internet.she doesn't have any computer or tv in her room, but in the weekend my husband and i let her go on the internet to play game.i don't know how to deal with that,even she gets punish she still doing it, God knows how many times?

i'm afraid she will corrupt my 1 year old son when he gets older.




  1. Why would you let her go on the internet when you have caught her once before? And how is she finding those sites? I think those sites are what you husband is looking at and she is just finding his sites.

    I would abivously keep her off the computer when you have her - you can find self contained games that dont run off the internet for her to play with when she is with you.  

  2. all kids learn their bad habits from someone kinda like cussing, i learned that from my parents, but its not just parents that can influence, maybe friends but i don't know that many 9 year olds who watch p**n but there is definitely something behind it maybe you need to talk to her and see where its coming from. do you watch it? does your husband? or her mother?

  3. Since this has happened before you need to take away all computer access. She cannot be trusted to make good decisions therefore, do not give her the chane. It isn't that hard to do. Also, get her into some kind of therapy. It is obvious that there is something else going else that needs to be discussed.  

  4. there are software for that plus u can see what she is doing in some the software keep eye on here no matter how long she in internet

  5. Password settings and parental controls. With these, websites such as this will be blocked. Also-- I would make it so that her computer time is supervised. Check in with her every so many minutes to see what she is doing. If this continues, either decrease her internet time or cut it out all together. Sit down and talk with her about why she is watching these things. Ask her questions and explain to her that it is not okay to be looking at these websites. Try to have her explain why she is looking at these websites. Make sure it is clear that if this behavior continues, she will lose computer time all together. OR if she is given computer time, it will be a game that is downloaded or a cd-- NO internet.

    If she spends time with her mother in another household, I would talk to her as well. Perhaps she is doing this at her house and hasnt gotten caught which is why she may think it's okay. I would get everyone involved and really make sure your step-daughter understands that these websites are not appropriate and everyone is aware of what is going on.

  6. Thats wild that a nine year old girl does that. I wonder where she picked that up at?

    Get a filter on your computer.

  7. On Dr. Phil] yesterday he addressed a 10 year old girl who was having sexual conversations online with adult men. He said the girl is too vulnerable to have access to the Internet until after she had had therapy and changed her way of thinking about this and realizes that it is harmful. Your situation isn't exactly the same but it's close enough. Please, ELIMINATE the computers at home and at school, get her into some therapy (p**n changes the way grown men can think about s*x; I can only imagine how badly it can s***w up a little girl) and help her intensively through this. Don't make her feel bad about it ( you don't want to shame her about s*x), but get this under control ASAP. Check Dr. Phil's website, too. Please take this seriously. It's not just an annoyance, it's a crying shame.

    EDIT: Mama 22, you sound so fed up. It makes me really sad for this little girl's chances if you don't care for her much. I'm a step-mom to two challenging little girls who have been raised with totally different standards than those I've set for my kids, so I can understand the frustration. However, you have nine years + of this ahead of you. Try to see the good in this child and recognize how much power you have to affect her in a positive way. I wish you the best.

  8. She has obviously proven that she can not be trusted with a computer on her own.  Stop allowing it.  If you let her then you are guilty of corrupting her just as much as if you were there showing it to her.  And yes, tell her mother too.  She now has two sets of parents who need to look after her welfare and you all need a united front especially with something this serious.  

    And get a parental control on your computer for heavens sake.  Take some responsibility for this.  

    Additional Details:

    Unplug the computer if you are not there to supervise.  When she is on the computer stay there with her and watch every keystroke she does.  She knows this is wrong but explain it to her every time you are sitting there with her.  You can also get a parental tracking program that will show you everything that she looks at.  She is too young to be making these decisions on her own.  Again, YOU need to take the responsibility for this.  If you don't no one else will and she will fall victim to an internet pedifile.

  9. parental controls or password protect the main computer page so she cannot access anything on the computer. Also have you talked to her mother?  

  10. I would suggest that you take the computer from her for a couple of weeks and explain that it is not going to be tolerated any more.  Before letting her back on check and see if you got parental control and use it wisely.  I have 11 kids and done been threw it all.  After they seen that they couldn't get on the computer they decided that they would follow our rules.

  11.     ography is harmful to children, you are right to be worried.

    Try this website, it has information about     ography and children, and ways to discipline as well.    ography/

  12. parental control

  13. it isn't exactly normal for a girl at 9 to be watching p**n but  there isn't anything inherently abnormal about it either sit her down and ask her why she likes to look at p**n,food for thought though if this was your biological daughter would you come off so harshly?as if to say she was going to infect the other kids?and people look at p**n this isn't such a horrible thing at 9 might be a little different but if you freak out you only will make her feel bad about herself,which is something I'm sure you don't want that right?sit her down and just ask her why she is doing what shes doing,and ask her like she is a person not your husbands kid from another marriage.

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