
9 year old with bathroom issues. ?

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My friend has a mildly autistic son who is 9 1/2. He has always had bathroom issues as far as training him.The bottom line is, he is still pooping in a 'pull-up' or 'goodnights'. They tried doing underwear for awhile and it just didn't faze him. Nothing seems to. Part of the problem I think too is that they live with her in-laws, and when my friend tries to work with her son on this issue, grandma usually steps in saying 'let it be'. So my question is wondering if anyone has any ideas for them. Besides moving out- they want to and are working on it, but it's not feasible for them right now. I'm just hoping maybe someone has an insight to this that could help them with this issue.




  1. if i may say if this child is a highly functioning cognitively, they just may  be able to learn the process of toilet training but if they cannot function near to normal then i am afraid to say there cognitive ability may not be developed enough to even recognize that he needs to  use his bowlers and he may not be able to  put two and too together to solve the problem and may end up in diapers24/7 or near enough to it and never potty train.  

  2. i would have your friend talk to her mom and tell her that she is trying to train her son for something that is very important and since he is mildly autistic, he needs people to be consisted with him.  this is happening with my cousin and another family member with discipline. cousin's trying to correct son, while family lets him do a lot of things while she's watching him.

    have your friend talk to a doctor that specializes in autism and talk to them about her son's problem. if it still happens, he may have to wear adult diapers until he learns to go in the toilet, or else it will be harder when he gets older to clean him up and his clothes. i hope i helped you out.  

  3. When he asks for a pull up to p**p, put him on the toilet and give him reinforces just for sitting there and trying. If he poops on the potty give him a real nice treat. Also, before you do this have a going away party for the pull ups. Let him throw them all away and explain to him that "big" boys go on the potty and tell him the rewards he will get every time he goes on the potty. Gradually reduce the rewards.

  4. He is autistic, sadly, he may never be fully potty trained. It is not the grandmas place to raise him. Mommy needs to step in and let her know that she is the mom and she will make the decisions on issues with her little boy.

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